Chapter 6

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I feel depressed because all of my friends have boyfriends or just really good friends that make them happy and I only have one person who makes me super happy, but she lives on the other side of the country.


I roll over in my bed so that I'm no longer facing the wall, and I curl up under my blankets more.

"Ashton, I had a nightmare again."

I don't respond for a few seconds, hoping that he'll think I'm asleep. I'm a light sleeper, which is why I woke up when he first called my name (at least, I think that was the first time he said it tonight) but he doesn't know that I wake up easily.


"What do you want me to do about it?" I ask, fed up with him and how annoying he is. It's fucking three in the morning and I want to go back to sleep, but I can't with him pestering me.

"You said if I had another nightmare, I could come sleep with you."

"No, I said if you wake up again you can come sleep with me. And that was just for that one night."

There are a few moments of silence, then Luke says, "I'm coming down there."

"Luke, don't you dare-"

I don't even finish my sentence before there is a body squishing against mine. Luke wiggles further onto the bed, and as he does so, he pushes me backwards, until my back is against the wall.

"Hi," he says, smiling.

"Get out."

He pouts. "But I had a nightmare."

"You're like, seventeen. I don't know how old you are. I don't care. But, you're old enough to go back to sleep after having a nightmare."

"I will go back to sleep."

"In your own bed."


"Just grow up, Luke, and learn to sleep by yourself."

"Fuck you," he mutters, standing.

"Excuse you?"

"You of all people should know that experiencing things that we've experienced is hard. We all have different ways of dealing with our problems, and I just want someone who will tell me everything will be okay, or someone who will at least pretend to care about me. You're just heartless. But, you're only heartless towards me. You seem to care a lot about Calil, and Naomi, so why not me? I know we haven't known each other for long, but you should understand that living here is hard for me."

"At least you weren't admitted when you were seven! Can you imagine how hard this was for me?"

"Did you have a roommate who was constantly being rude to you?"

"I didn't have anyone! And you're rude to me, too! What the hell happened out there with Naomi? Why were you saying all that shit about how I should've left her alone?"

Even though there's barely any light in the room, I can see Luke open his mouth, then close it, as if he was going to say something, but thought better of it.

"Good night, Ashton," he says before crawling up to his bed.

I sigh and turn back towards the wall, and I close my eyes, but I can't fall back asleep because I'm mad. I'm pretty sure it's hard for anyone to fall asleep when they're mad.

After a while, I hear small sniffles, and my eyes widen when I realize that Luke is crying.

I contemplate going up there, because I really don't want to, but I'm not so cold that I won't try to comfort a, um, acquaintance?

Sad [Lashton AU]Where stories live. Discover now