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The Flash and Velocity started searching all around the city while Cisco monitored any cold energy from the cortex with the help of his girlfriend. It has been a day since Killer Frost froze Jitters and disappeared.

They gave anger-managing bracelet to Iris as well and Barry asked her to stay with Joe and Cecile in the West house to be safe. Iris protested but then agreed as it would be easier to have someone keep an eye on how the meta's powers were affecting her.

Meanwhile Barry and Dawn tried to think of the possible reasons why this meta's after them and Cisco and Gipsy tried to figure out how he/she could travel through time with breaching abilities.

"Anybody super tired of this dead ends?" Cisco questioned as everyone raised their hand. "And anyone super hungry for Big Belly Burger?" Again everyone raised their hands and Dawn sped off to get food.

"I've got food!" She yelled and motioned others to go to the lounge room. "I can't believe they managed to keep Big Belly Burger still this good in the future."

"I don't know what's their secret ingredient, but it sure does it's job." Cisco agreed.

"We didn't have this on my Earth." Cynthia added.

"Thank god, we have one." Barry replied while taking a big bite.

When the lunch time was over, they went back to brainstorming. It was so much harder without the rest of the team.

"Eurica!" Ramon exclaimed after some time. "I finally figured how this breacher travels through time!"

"How?!" Everyone exclaimed in unison and looked at him with expectant looks.

"Hate when people look at me like that." He grumbled. "But, the main point is, this  breacher must have some kind of a device that cuts through timelines and a good concentration to open a breach in the future or here."

"Can we trace his whereabouts like that?" Dawn asked him.

"We can, if we create something that can monitor every time a breach opens through time continium. Which means, we'll need a help of speedsters and breachers." He concluded.

"Thank god, we have both." Cynthia grinned. "We should get started!"

"Anything you need me to bring?" Barry questioned but Cisco shook his head. "Just lent us some of your speed." He answered.

Two hours later, Cisco had everything ready and was starting the machine. "Okay people, don't raise your expectations too high. This might take hours so just relax."

Regardless of his warning, Barry and Dawn were still waiting expectantly. Caitlin was missing and they had to bring her back, no relaxation would reach them until they find her.

When nothing happened in first ten minutes, the father-daughter duo fell on the chairs and let out a tired sigh.

"So alike," Cisco chuckled. "I told you two, don't raise your expectations."

"How can we? Cait's missing and even the slightest thing will have our hopes up." The scarlet speedster protested.

That said, the machine started beeping and everyone flew at the screen.

"Which one is it?! Frost's vibes or the travellers?" Dawn asked desperately.

"One moment," Cisco yelled and with the help of Cynthia started working on the tracing.

"This may be a shock, but we got both." He spoke up after a minute.

"Could this mean Cait's working with the breacher?" Barry voiced. Dawn next to him stiffened. Why would Frost work with the enemy?

"It's like her working with Savitar." Cynthia commented.

"Yeah," Cisco agreed. "But maybe he/she is controling her emotions. Let's not forget Caitlin and Frost aren't themselves."

Everyone nodded. "So, aren't we going to go after them?" Dawn questioned.

"Of course!" Cisco exclaimed. "Suit up, everybody!"

In just a few minutes everyone was off to the location where Frost and the breacher waited. Everything was so unnerving for Dawn she couldn't even form words in her mind. Her heart beat fast and thoughts she had minutes ago disappeared. She had no idea how to talk to her mother who seemed to burst at every possible second.

"Well get her back," Her father squeezed her hand when he noticed her look. Dawn nodded gratefully.

They were standing in front of the abandoned building. The signal was coming from there and it seemed like Frost and breacher were stil there.

"Here goes nothing," Dawn heard Vibe say as he hit the door with his foot and went inside.

"We could've just phased you," The Flash chuckled as his friend shrugged.

The place was awfully quiet. Well, the first two floors at least. On the third floor, they heard faint voices. There was at least six doors on the floor but the one that had the door knob frozen was the most interesting. Everyone got in the fighting stunt as the Flash opened the door.

The voices they heard on the floor belonged to the only two people standing in the frozen room, staring at the intruders. One had ice ready in her hand and another had his hand placed on his temple.

"Well, well, well," A raspy voice that belonged to the man started. "If it isn't our favourite hero of Central City and his future child."

Dawn froze on the spot. Even if she suspected the breacher knew about her time travel, it was still strange to hear.

"Wow, that suit really sucks," Vibe commented. Dawn glanced at him wih a look that said 'Seriously?!'

The breacher cracked a laugh. "I didn't have Cisco Ramon to back me up with good costume."

Now everyone raised their eyebrows. How in the world did he find out about Vibe's identity?

"Oh, don't look so surprised." The man snorted. "But I suppose I should've introduced myself first. I'm a Mind Breaker, and this beautiful icy woman is my partner in crime, Killer Frost. You might know her well." He smirked evilly at them.

Dawn tried to take a deep breath. They would save her.

She caught her father's gaze frozen on Frost. Somehow she knew what he was thinking.

Vibe next to them laughed, which brought her back to what was going on. The room was frozen, why were only Frost and Mind Breaker in the room? While Cisco distracted him, she looked around to find other unusual things. She found one. In the quiet corner of the room there was a man tied and knocked out in ice chains. Nothing about him looked familiar.

When the Mind Breaker realized they were distracting them, he commanded Killer Frost to fight them but Dawn spoke up. "Mom!"

She got Frost's attention. Her eyes shifted colors between brown and blue. Velocity took that as a good sign.

"Snap out of it, mom." She pleaded. "He's controling your emotions. He's making you evil!"

"I am not!" The breacher snapped. "If anything, I'm doing her a favour by embracing her dark side." He placed his hand on his temple again and her Frost's eyes turned blue again. She smirked and shot two ice dagger towards them. The Flash ran right at her while Dawn moved Vibe and Gipsy.

"Guys, open two breaches in S.T.A.R. Labs cells. I'll try to push the Mind Breaker while Dad will try to get Frost." She instructed.

"Fine, but that's not his final name." Cisco warned. Dawn chuckled and ran to tell her father her plan.

When fight escalated, she motioned her aunt and uncle to open breaches. The Flash was already winning over Frost and Dawn successful avoided Mind Breaker's attempts to hit her. The breaches opened and she had only seconds to push Mind Breaker in. When she ran towards him for final push, he jumped in there on his own. Not able to stop, she went through the breach but instead of locking the Mind Breaker there, she got stuck. Her enemy on the other hand, was nowhere to be found.

Dammit! I hope dad managed to get Frost in a cell. She though, but then more important question appeared in her mind.

Where did the Mind Breaker go?

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