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Dawn found her mother sitting in her apartment, texting on a phone. On the sound of a speedster she stood up, her expression angry.

"Barry, I told you, I don't have time to-" The word froze on her face when she saw who was stading in front of her. "Dawn!" She exclaimed and embraced her daughter in a tight hug. "You're back, you're finally back!" She traced her fingers on her hair while not letting her go. "I missed you so much!"

Somehow, Dawn knew this was not an ordinary hug. Her mother was clutching tight on her and Dawn could fill all the emotions coming from her.

Did... did they damage her?

The thought sent wave of panic in her body. She jumped out of her mother's arms and statued on one place, staring at her face, trying to find answers.

Caitlin had changed. She looked more freshen up, like someone in action but her eyes were dull, not caring any emotion. "Dawn, are you all right?" She questioned as she placed her heands on her chest.

Dawn shook her head. "Don't worry about me. What's up with you?" She gazed at her in accusation. "Why are you acting different?"

"Different how? I'm the way I am, dear." She replied, her experssion changing into cloudy one.

"No, you aren't. You're not like yourself, mom." She tried to approach her but now Caitlin moved back.

"I told you, I'm fine. There's nothing changed, just the fact that I'm tired of following somebody elses lead. I have a life, I'm not going to waste it by waiting for someone." She spoke harlshy. Her eyes no longer caring motherly love.

She sounded like future Caitlin, when she was arguing with Barry and it scared Dawn.

"Mom, is there a meta controling you? Let me help, please."

"No! Why is everybody asking that?!" Caitlin shouted. Dawn flinched, far more scared than before. Her mother glared at her. "You can leave if you don't like this. I'm not going to ask you to stay again." She crossed her arms, waiting for her answer.

Dawn shook her head. "I'll save you mom, I promise." She kissed her mother's cheek and sped off from the apartment.

Dawn wanted to speak with her mother but she couldn't go to him just yet. Whatever was going on, she was sure it had affected both of her parents. Caitlin was acting stranger than Barry but she knew her dad wasn't the same either. Dawn had seen her dad without her mother, one time when she was taken by a meta and he was everything but calm. He's never calm when it comes to her mother and he never gives up. Future Barry that Dawn saw when she returned with her sisters was not her father and neither is this one here.

Plus, she heard him and Iris argue. They don't do that. Not even in the future. And if Nora was here, she would agree too. Something is off with the three of them.

Would a meta affect mom, dad and aunt Iris?

She found herself stopping at uncle Cisco's door. Right now, he and aunt Cynthia were the only ones who could help her.


For next two days, Caitlin made no move on contacting her daughter or her friends. Dawn occasionally checked on her and though she might have followed her, it was worth to know she was all right. Barry and Iris seemed to made up. At least they didn't argue in fron of the team but last night Dawn heard them quarrel about something.

Cisco and Gipsy were more than glad to let her stay with them. The two of them tried to talk to their friends, find something that counted as a clue but if there was anything going on, the coupe hid it well.

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