Chapter 9: You can't stop me

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The sound of Takaoka's laughter was all too familiar. Everyone stopped at the awful noise, it sounded like how death feels. No one dared to move. The doctors, and eventually police, tried to get them to. It was not working. They got us to walk soon enough, the laughter only got louder. We got escorted out of the building. No one made a sound as we left.

Takaoka got outside and to the building we were in. Tazers didn't work, he got immune sense the last time we saw him. No one was stopping him. He walked in, as insane as ever. The police got beat up, and grabbed my arm. Karma tried to stop him from taking me, but it did not work.

                                        TW: abuse, torture

At some point, I got knocked out. I woke up mothers basement? Was it all a dream? The awful pounding in my head, and Takaoka walking towards me confirmed it wasn't. I also saw my mom getting a knife sharpened, why was she here?

"Oh Nagisa, I met your old PE teacher, and we had....similar goals. Thats why your here, when you got picked up by him."  Thats what she calls it? Getting picked up? Like I'm at school? That is seriously messed up.

I passed out again, only to be woken up at the feeling of a knife going into my arm. I looked, and they had stuck a knife through my arm. I nearly screamed when mom started to put a box cutter in the already made wound. She then took actual salt, and poured it in. I screamed, and I screamed loud. Enough to make my own ears hurt. I had a concussion though.

They got so mad at me, to the point of them knocking me out again. I woke up to distant talking. Not Takaoka and mom, though mom was speaking. I heard Karasuma and other unfamiliar voices. Takaoka walked up to me and slapped me really hard. But something was different. I had a gag on. I couldn't speak, the voices I didn't recognize, they were the police.

The gag was falling apart, so I could still yell. I screamed as loud as I could. I felt a slap across the face, the sound of a footprint being kicked down, and my mothers yelling. I felt hands unraveling the tape around my arms. And Takaoka saying  "You can't stop me!"
                                         Abuse and torture over

I passed out again. And woke up in the hospital, with Karma at my side.  "Hey, Karma. I'm tired."  I almost whispered. He looked surprised, and called a nurse. She came in, shock all over her face as she called the doctor. The doctor made Karma leave. Apparently, they weren't expecting me to be up and awake yet.

Karasuma visited after Karma left. I would have to stay longer for my arm and head to heal. Also, my concussion got worse while I was in that basement. I was there for a full day. I was also visited by dad again. He quit his really busy job, and was going to get full custody over me.

I got no other visitors. I mean, unless you count the nurses and doctor.

Four weeks later, I got discharged. And the custody trial happened. You can guess the ending. The hospital recommended therapy. So that happened. I found out just how much class E cares about me! They threw an entire party for me coming back. I, and everyone else, was happy.

                                                          I will make an epilogue
                                                          chapter tomorrow, but
                                                          that will be the end. Sorry
                                                          it was short. See you next
                                                                  time! Goodbye!

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