Chapter 4: It's ok to cry

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Karma POV:
Nagisa left before we could ask him more questions. I bet it's his mom! You see, not even Nagisa knows I know about his home life. I walked him to his house before we were in 3-E, and I heard the yelling.  'I hope he is ok.  I will tell him I know about his mom today.'  I walked to school, and Nagisa wasn't there.  'Where is he!?'  I went to Sugino's desk, he always knows were his friends are!  "Do you know were Nagisa is?" 'Please tell me he does!'  "No, I don't. I'm really worried."

Just then Nagisa came!  "Hey, Nagisa! Your later than usual." I said, he just nodded and sat down in his seat.  'I'm going to kill his mom later!' 

Nagisa POV:
I walked into class, and was greeted by Karma telling me I'm late.  'I know, I'm just a failure!'  I thought as I nodded and sat down.  "Good morning, Nagisa!"  Kayano greeted me with her usual happy tone.  "Good morning."   Koro-sensei walked in by then and greeted us as normal, everyone sat down and we started class.

At the end of class, Karma wanted to talk to me.

                   The conversation
"What is it Karma?"
"I know about your mom. I can tell CPS, if you want."
"Thats not necessary! It's not that bad!"
"But it is Nagisa! I am worried about you."
"Just, please don't, ok?"
"Fine, but at least stay at my house sometimes."

Just like that, we both left speechless.

We went to PE, and Karasuma didn't let me participate do to what happened yesterday. Everyone agreed with him, so I was sitting out. While they were doing PE, Karasuma ran up to me.  "Nagisa, your bleeding!"  I looked at myself in the window, and he was right!  "Oh, I am."  I said as I touched it. There was no pain, but the cut I got last night was deep.  "How did you not notice? The cut is deep, we need to get it treated. Come on."  He confirmed for me. 

We walked to the teachers lounge, and Koro-sensei saw the cut and ran to me, almost immediately!  "What happened!? How did you get this? Are you ok?"  Koro-sensei asked a bunch of questions when Karasuma stepped in and said  "Thats what we are trying to find out." 

They kept asking questions about it like

"Were did you get this?"
I don't know
"How did you not feel it?"
I don't know
"Are you ok?"
Yes, I'm fine

That was basically our conversation. They did NOT buy it, and kept asking. I was obviously getting annoyed at this point, and they were to. So once they finished I left, they tried to stop me but I didn't let them.

I went and Sugino came to my side along with Kayano.   "Why do you have bandages?" They both asked  "I don't know, I just started bleeding. Haha!"  They got really worried when I said that  "When did that happen?" Sugino asked me.  "At PE."  They stopped talking about it when I said that. No one else even dared to ask me,

"Did your mom give that to you?"  He asked as we walked home  "Y-yeah..."  I tried not to stutter, my efforts did not work. I held the tears back, but Karma said something that made me blush

                            "It's ok to cry."

When he said that, I just cried until we got to his house. Wait, his house?  "Why are we at your house?" I inquired "So you can stay the night, just tell to your mom your staying at a friends house to study."  I did and she got a little mad, but since it was to "study" she didn't really.

I stayed the night, in Karma's empty house. He also let me use his pjs, and changed my bandages! We had a great sleepover, and I kinda forgot I would need to go back tomorrow, mainly because tomorrow was Saturday.

Nagisa was happy, and so was Karma. They had loads of fun! And then went to bed in Karma's king sized bed. When they woke up they had breakfast, and Karma walked Nagisa back to his house.

"Hey mom, I'm home!"  Nagisa called  "Welcome home sweetie! your late." She said those words, and Nagisa knew he was going to be questioned on Monday for the new bruises. She went easy on him, and he didn't even get a bruise! He knew he was lucky this time. Maybe because she thought he studied? He didn't know, but at least she was in good mood.

After that, I went to the park. I went on a swing, and surprisingly no one else was there! I stayed there because in peace. no noises, no people, just me and my thoughts.

Karma POV:
I walked Nagisa back to his house, and immediately got worried. 'Why am I this worried? He is my best friend, but this is different.'  After awhile, I got bored. So I decided to go to the park.  'Is that, Nagisa?'  "Hey, Nagisa! Why are you here?" I called as I walked up to him. I was also kinda worried, why was he here by himself? 

Nagisa POV:
I was sitting there, when I heard Karma.  "Hey, Nagisa! Why are you here?" He called as he walked up to me. He looked worried about something. I looked at him and smiled.  "Hey Karma!" I called back, as I laughed at his expression. He looked relieved, but also mad? Weird. 

"Why are you here alone?" He asked me  "Oh, I just got bored so I left."  We talked for awhile, and then Karma asked me something. 

"Hey, you want to go to that new cafe?" I heard that, and started to blush. Why am I blushing?  "Oh! Sure." I said desperately trying not to stutter. We walked and talked, as I started to notice that I definitely liked him. But he certainly didn't like me, right?

                                      Did you like the fluff? Because you only
                                      get it for a little bit of the next chapter!
                                      I wanted to give you a break from the
                                      angst. See you next chapter!

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