Chapter 8: Evacuate immediately

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When Karasuma left the room I let myself remember all the terrible things mom did to me. I cried a little, not letting too many tears to fall out for too long. 5 minutes later, Karma came. We talked, and he asked me why the police were in my room. I told him about how they questioned me, and all that. He got really mad, and I had to calm him down "How do they expect you to react? Be just fine about talking about your trauma!?"  He called  "It's fine, they were really nice, not prying too much!"  I responded, trying to calm him down. I lied of course, they asked questions about everything, and pried into everything.

He had to leave eventually, the nurses needed to do stuff to me. It was the same routine, every day. Karma is the first to visit, most of the time, then they do my daily check on me. then, right now, Sugino and Kayano usually visit. Where were they?

The check up went as it would, but the doctor was scared of something.  I chose to ignore it, and just acted as if I didn't notice anything. I did find out eventually. I overheard her and another doctor speaking.  "Do we tell the police? What are they going to do about a typed letter, to a hospital, threatening a patient." She said.  "We have to!  It is our only choice, if you don't want to will!"  The other yelled, making me flinch.

That was all I needed to know. So I stopped listening, and started wondering about Sugino and Kayano.

They did come eventually, and we talked for awhile. They had to go home after though. I sat there, alone. Koro-sensei came, like two seconds after they left.   "Oh, hi Koro-sensei, how are you?"  I asked, hoping he wouldn't mention the whole mom thing.  "I'm fine, how are you?"  I think he took my hint, didn't say anything.   "I'm great, how is the class without me?"  He answered with one word. "Chaos."  He looked a little mad, but mostly scared. Probably of E-class.  "They are going crazy without you, especially Karma."

Karma's anger is terrifying, but Karma going crazy is even worse. If he doesn't have something he needs, you are dead. But he doesn't need me, I'm his best friend yeah. But, he has lost his other best friend before. At summer vacation, we all thought the poisoned people would die, Nakamura was one of them. And Karma was sad, yeah, but not going crazy!

"Really? That's surprising, I didn't know they liked me that much"  I was sad when I thought that I was going to kill myself.  'They liked me so much they went crazy when I wasn't there, Imagine if I died!'  I think Koro-sensei noticed my distress.  "Nagisa, are you ok? You spaced out."  He asked. I reassured him, saying I was fine, I wasn't, but he didn't have to know that.

I decided to tell him what I had overheard the doctors talking about. He was scared for my safety, but I assured him. Saying I would be fine!

We talked more, and he said how when he told the class I was in the hospital, they were all worried. Asking a million questions, and how sense some people couldn't come, they resorted to trying to give themselves a concussion. It didn't work. The reason they couldn't come, is there parents either didn't let, or it was to far away.   "Speaking of,"  I started.  "Why did I go to such a far away hospital? It's bright outside! My eyes were giving out."  I was genuinely annoyed.   "It was the closest one we could find, please forgive me!"  I did, and we finished our conversation.

Karasuma POV:
'So, Nagisa is abused huh? Why is the ministry of defense confused at my definition of abuse? I hope he is doing ok, CPS was really not holding back.' I thought as I talked to the police about it.

"Wait, he is staying at hospital xxxx?"  One of them asked.  "Yes, that is correct. What of it?"  I was worried now, more than before.  "That hospital called earlier, saying they got a letter threatening
a patient, saying they will kill anyone in their way."  I was EXTRA worried now, Nagisa is the type to protect for no reason. It's a good quality, if your not in the hospital for a concussion.

"And said patient, is Shiota."  My heart dropped. Nagisa is also the type to protect others, when he is the target. We saw this at summer vacation. When I asked, they said they weren't investigating it, as it's probably an empty threat. I was ticked,  "it might not be! So check!"  I muttered to myself when I was leaving.

Nagisa POV:

The next day, Karma came first, once again. I also told him about the letter the hospital got. He asked if he should stay with me, I said he could if he wanted to, but he didn't have to. He did, and we talked for awhile. The topic went to school, and I mentioned what Koro-sensei had told me

"I was worried, ok? I was NOT going crazy."  He said childishly, I laughed a little bit, and told him I didn't think so either. Then, something happened.
        TW: mention of panic attacks, Lots of angst

"Code yellow, I repeat code yellow!"  The intercom called  "Evacuate immediately" A nurse came to my room, looking distressed.  "What does code yellow mean?"  Karma asked.  "Active disaster, usually we would call a code silver, but it's not a shooter."  Karma didn't talk, just held onto my hand as we walked with everyone else.

There was panicking children, scared adults trying to calm them down, teens having panic attacks, and scared doctors. We stopped at the door, why did we stop? We all stood there, as we heard maniacal laughter. I recognized it, and so did Karma. It was Takaoka.

                                             I wanted to make that cliffhanger,
                                         I think it worked ok! I won't be posting
                                         on Saturdays, so this is all you get! See
                                                you on Sunday! Goodbye.

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