Chapter 3: Don't. Even. Try.

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Karasuma POV:
'Nagisa, has been acting weird lately. I hope he is ok.' I thought, as I did paperwork.  'He is always a little quiet, thats not new. But he is more quiet than usual. Recently, he has started to act like he is hiding some sort of pain.  Everyone, at least the staff has noticed.'  I finished the work as I saw Isogai coming to school.  'I'll ask him if
he noticed anything weird with Nagisa.'

"Kinda, he is quieter than usual."  Isogai answered me when I asked.  "I could ask everyone in the class and have his friends
give me reports on his well being."  Isogai said  "Thats a good idea
Isogai, keep me updated!"  I exclaimed  'I hope this works...'  I thought as Isogai left to talk to his friends

Nagisa POV:
When I got there, I was met with Sugino and Kayano. They greeted me as usual, but something was up... "Hey, are you guys ok? Your acting different. Sorry, if thats offensive!"  I asked, hoping they weren't mad.  "Oh, were fine! And no offense taken."
Sugino answered, Kayano had a similar answer.

"Good morning, everyone!"  Koro-sensei said, signaling for everyone to sit down. Nothing really happened,until PE. "Today, you will fight each other, like usual. Except, this time instead of trying to beat the opponent, you will get them on the ground for 10 seconds."  Karasuma explained  'Oh no, this is NOT good.'  I thought  "Hey, wanna be partners? Like usual." Kayano asked me.  "Ok, sure! I don't mind."  I answered, obviously I didn't want to do this at all. But you can't exactly tell someone I can't do this with you because I am being abused, and my head hurts. So, I had to say yes

We weren't using weapons, so I was just trying to get a hit that would keep her on the ground. This was not really working, and eventually she got a hit on my head!  "Gotcha! Hey are you ok Nagisa?"  Kayano asked before I blacked out.

Wa-k u-!
Wake up
Wake up!  I heard as I opened my eyes, there I was in the teachers lounge, on a couch, with Koro-sensei, Karasuma, and professor bitch.  "What the? Were am I?" I asked, uncertain if I should even ask.  "Your in the teachers lounge. Do you feel alright Nagisa?"  Karasuma asked me.  "Not really, haha..."  I laughed.  'I have to laugh it off, that way they will think I'm ok'  I thought   "Speaking of, were did you get those injuries?"  Koro-sensei asked concerned.  "Oh, um...I fell on the mountain on my way up."  I said as I got up  "Don't get up yet-"  professor bitch started   "I'm fine, really!"  I said grabbing my bag and walking painfully out
"Don't. Even. Try."  Someone warned me, as they grabbed my arm. I looked to see who it was, and standing there was Karma.

"Karma? What are you doing here?"  I asked innocently "Stopping your dumbass self from leaving, when we still have questions."  He pulled me back into the room were I was questioned.

"Were did you get those wounds?"
"I fell on the mountain."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I was had it covered, I didn't need to."

"That's bullshit! You passed out." Professor bitch called out to everyone in the room. "By the way, what time is it?"   'I hope I'm not late' "Kind of off topic, but its 5:53 pm right now." Karasuma answered 'Shit I'm late!'  "Oh, I need to go home. My mom is probably  worried!"  I lied. I knew she wouldn't be worried about me, not in a million years!

I left the room, and ran down the mountain. I had to go home. the later I was, the worse the punishment for it! I ran and ran until I got there. Only to be met by a angry mother, with a metal rod in hand

   TW: abuse, suicidal thoughts, gore, and nightmares

I knew I wasn't going to school tomorrow before, this just confirmed it. She hit me with the rod, and gave me 5 nasty bruises. She pulled my hair, slammed my head in a wall, and threw me. She took the metal rod again, and hit me until I was beat, and bleeding. I felt hot liquid going down my face and arms. I had a nose bleed, a head injury, and a beat arm. Everything hurt, I got thrown into the bathroom. I'm guessing she wanted me to clean up.

'Why can't I just die already? No one likes me. I'm just a nobody, everyone wants me dead. I want to die, I NEED to die!'  I thought as I washed my face and arms. I got dressed, and went to bed.  'I wish I could cut my hair short, and die. No one wants me here anyways. Sheesh, my head hurts like crazy!' I fell asleep, at least my nightmare was interesting........I hated it so much.

Black skies. The wind seemed to whisper
Black ponds, and black mountains. It continued
"What does that mean?"  I asked as I looked around
"Everything is pitch black...why is everything pitch black!?"
Blood seemed to take over my body, and stop me from speaking.
You will obey us, you will obey ME!  The voice screamed  "Nagisa,
sweetheart...why would you disobey your own mother?"  My mom
was there, why was she there...?  "You came home late, and made me very worried! As punishment, you won't be able to speak For a bit."  She said in a sickly sweet tone  "Don't fight it sweet pea! You will only make it worse."

                Abuse, suicidal thoughts, gore, and nightmares over

I woke up, and I was able to speak.  "My alarm woke me least its doing its job."  I said to myself as I got up. I had school today, I had to get up. As I did, I felt a sharp pain go threw my body.  'I have to go to school!'  I reminded myself as I got dressed and went downstairs.

                                        How much did you hate that? I tried to
                                        make a good ending, but I don't think it
                                        worked out. And by good ending, I meant
                                        not to bad of a cliffhanger, but you will still
                                        have to wait for the next chapter! Bye.

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