22. Lounge

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"I-I promise," Jacob insists, "I wouldn't do anything to hurt Marissa, I swear."

This kid might be big – even taller than me, but it only took a few minutes for him to shrink into a measly little shrimp. Am I really going to let someone like him date my little sister?

"And why should I believe that?" I scoff. "I know your type."

Based on his build, he's clearly a jock. He has the typical look that girls seem to always fall for; tall, blonde, brown eyes. He also doesn't seem very bright either.

"My type?" he asks hesitantly. "I don't know what you mean, man. I just really like Marissa, and I think she likes me too."

"Yeah, well-" I begin, but my heart suddenly drops as I have a terrible epiphany.

Fucking hell

I realize he's just like Chris.

Maybe I'm being too hard on Jacob for no fault of his own.

But I'm not upset at Chris. It doesn't make any sense, why the hell would I give a shit about him? This doesn't have anything to do with Alyssa either, I couldn't care less about her love life.

My emotions are suddenly running wild and it makes me feel fucking sick.

"You know what," I mumble, "I think you get the point, let's head back."

He looks at me nervously, as if trying to see if this is a trap. "You sure?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Let's go before I change my mind."


I return just in time to see some guy with Lillian. It's been less than a minute since I spoke to Jacob and now this? You have to be shitting me.

I clear my throat. "Going somewhere, Lillian?" I ask sternly.

I gauge the guy. Tall and kind of lanky. Blonde and in desperate need of a haircut. Ripped jeans and a graphic tee shirt. Is this really her type? At least Jacob was kempt and dressed appropriately.

It takes me a moment to realize he was the DJ, which somehow makes it worse.

He gives me a sheepish smile. "Er, hi, you must be Michael. I'm Kyle."

"Yeah," I say dryly. "Why don't you and I go have a little talk?"

"Michael," Lillian pouts and crosses her arms, "we were just going to dance."

"Lillian, it's for your own good-"

"Michael," Alyssa quickly interrupts me and places her hand over mine, "c'mon she's young, let her have fun, please."

Alyssa's smile is soft and comforting. I feel another unpleasant rush of emotions crashing over me.

I look out onto the dance floor. Marissa has a bright smile on her face, Jacob as well, as they dance to some cheesy pop song.

My heart is being torn in different directions, and I don't know how I feel. It's hard to see the twins growing up. Sometimes I forget they're teenagers, I still see them as the little toddlers I took care of after mom died. They're young, but I know they're strong and capable.

I turn back to Lillian. She's giving me the puppy dog eyes she always uses when she wants something.

"Alyssa's right," I finally say. "Go have fun, Lily."

"Thanks!" She pulls me into a hug.

I rarely use her old nickname these days. She decided when she turned ten that Lily was too babyish. Although she admitted to me a few months afterwards that she was ok with me still calling her that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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