11. Move-in day

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"No way," I gasp. "That was you? People still pass that story around like it's some sort of urban legend."

Grandpa gives me an innocuous grin and nods. "Yup. The AD Pi girls got mad at me for nearly burning their house down, but what better way to propose than with fireworks right outside your grandma's window?" A sly smirk appears on his face. "I might've used the leftover fireworks to scare off some guys who were hitting on her after we had gotten engaged."

"Grandpa!" I scold.

He pauses for a moment. "Don't get any ideas, Alyssa. Arson is highly illegal and I won't be the one bailing you out."

I burst out laughing. I've been learning that grandma and grandpa are definitely not as innocent and wholesome as I once thought. "Not to worry Grandpa," I snort. "I'm apparently not as rebellious as you."

He just laughs and sheepishly runs his hand through his silver hair. "Anyways, how have things been going? I heard about you joining Alpha Delta Pi, your mom and grandma are over the moon," he chuckles.

"Tell me about it," I groan and shake my head. "They Facetimed and kept me on the call for hours last night."

They unloaded tips and stories onto me that they had built up during their years here. I appreciate the support, I really do, but it would be nice to get to express my individuality sometimes. But ultimately, I'm doomed to be the overprotected baby of the family. Their perfect little Alyssa.

"I just finished moving in." I shift my laptop to show off my room behind me.

Everything is unpacked and I've just begun putting up some decorations. The room is surprisingly spacious, though I heard these bigger rooms are normally reserved for members of the executive committee. I have a private bathroom, walk-in closet, and plenty of extra floor space. I'll probably invite Carmen to move in here with me. Last I saw her, she was moving into one of the smaller rooms upstairs with another new member.

"Alyssa?" I hear a muffled voice call from outside my door. "There's someone named Michael here to see you."

Grandpa teasingly raises a brow. "Michael, huh?"

I sigh and bury my face into my hands. "It's not what you think. It's a very long story, Grandpa, I'll explain another time." Hopefully he'll forget and I won't have to explain the disaster of a story.

"Alright, talk to you soon, Alyssa."

I end the call before quickly hopping off my bed and opening the door. Michael is sitting there with an impatient scowl on his face.

"Took you long enough."

I furrow my brows. "Wasn't I going to come pick you up? How did you get here?"

"You were taking too long so I called Carmen," he grumbles. "She's somehow even more energetic than you."

I don't know whether or not I should be offended. It's probably best not to overthink it. I roll him into my room and park him by my bed.

I take a seat at the edge of my bed and cross my legs. "So, what would you like to know?" I ask, doing my best to stay calm and collected.

Michael gets extra whiny when he thinks I'm being overly enthusiastic. I can't ignore the buzzing excitement inside of me, though. I've finally been given the chance to show Michael I'm a nice person and get him to finally like me.

Michael doesn't respond. His brows are furrowed in concentration and it takes me a moment to realize he's slowly studying every inch of my room.

"Your taste in interior design kind of sucks," he finally says.

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