"How it first started" yes🥱

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"i don't know where I am. How far did I run away, It doesn't matter at least i'm far from "them"
(stepping in the fresh snow leaving footprints)
T/ Jeez i should've brought my jacket but i was in a damn rush.

/Idk maybe hours passed by😦

"It's been long walk, I think i'm lost plus to make it even worst it's snowing. All i see is snow and im freezing to death I can barely feel my hands, I can survive a little longer."
(stops, and turns)

T/ what the...

//A black and shade of purple void appears looks like a portal. and a figure appears as well
Tigry knew this had to be some kind of infected. He was about to attack until they were met to face to face.
A tall slim figure stand there staring at him with their orange glowing eye, I supposed that they are one of those insolence.
Tigry backing away ready fight this insolence not knowing the risk.

?/(tilting their head)
T/uh....(in shook)
?/.( squinting their eyes)
T/ Who..who are you..?!

//moment of silence

?/(starts to walk closer)

// Tigry was alarmed by this he couldn't stand there so he turned around quickly and ran. As for the figure starts to chase after him but still walking.
Tigry still running looking back seeing that the figure is gone
T/ holy crap, That..that wa-
(a portal appears behind him and a arm reach out to tigry hair making him fall to the floor facing down.
T/ LET GO OF ME!! ( he says squirming trying to release himself)
?/(getting closer to his neck breathing on to it)
//Tigry had a chill feeling behind his neck seeing their hair which made him stop squirming from a sharp feeling going up to his back (it was a hand or claw whatever you wanna call it😔)



/Tigry thoughts(cause yes vent😦)
This is the end for me. I'm going to die i really am going to die.. What's the point of caring whats even the point of life..No even cared about me, not even my parents care. And the people that did care i kill and lose them..I guess this is it....




?/ (getting up letting him go gently)
T/huh?..(turning around seeing the insolences walking away)
//another portal appear😨(how many times am i going to say portal😢)
Tigry was confused what was going on but he was interested about the portal that this insolence kept coming out of..
The figure was about half in the portal until tigry ran towards them

T/ WAIT..(jumping on them)

// they went into the portal together teleporting into a dark void with other portals

?/oof😦(falling back first)

T/ Ow (hitting his head on the floor)

?/ what is wrong with you?! (said i'm angry tone)

T/ Y-You can talk..

?/ Of course I can only if i want to..(getting up)

//tigry can see clearly of the figures face since he was on top of him standing. A hasel eye that was perfectly fine but the other was like it was infected and shaggy hair and gloves. giving a sweet smile as if nothing happened.
Tigry was a little flustered by the smile (not a ship please😢)
?/ you should be grateful i didn't try to eat you..(saying with a sweet tone)

T/ Im sorry what..😥(making him snap out his thoughts)
?/ you heard me..
T/But your a.-
?/im a cannibal...
?/Im just knock you out....

//omg he knocked him out oh no😢😢

?/ welp i gotta do something before i try eating him...hmm Maybe give it to my friends i'm so smart...

/ig like 5 hours later

//Tigry pov again😥🐅
I woke up in a room. Idk how but i did the last time i remember was that insolence and now i'm in a room i froze when i heard footsteps the door open seeing some else . a mole?
M/Oh, your wake!
T/ who are you, where am i (panic a lil)
M/ don't worry your safe here, sorry about him again..
T/ Who? (lil confused)
M/ Oh right, The one that brought you here, Pony!
T/ pony?
Tigry thought/
I've heard of that name but when where..
M/ How about you rest and i come back to check on you.😅 And almost forgot I'm mimi it's great to meet you.

T/Um..I'm tigry..
M/well tigry i'll check on you later!
T/ okay..

//mimi leaves the room leaving tigry

T/ Welp maybe this isn't this bad.. But still i heard of pony but who..(gets out of bed)
T/ maybe she wouldn't mind if I look around this place (opening the door)

//(hate this so much of describing 🫥)
still snowing out of the porch seeing someone sitting on the cold wooden floor. Its the insolence !
?/ I know your there..
T/ It's you again..
?/ hmm (saying with a soft smile)
where are my manners.. I'm pony we've meet once before (softening his eyes)

//this is just flashbacks i'm trying to keep this alive and show im alive 🤥 i'm working on one and it's taking forever to make so i made this so pls wait🥲

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//this is just flashbacks i'm trying to keep this alive and show im alive 🤥 i'm working on one and it's taking forever to make so i made this so pls wait🥲

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