(RiD2015) Bumblebee x reader

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.°· !Sappy Love Song¡ ·°.

You're a little sad. Bumblebee, being the cinnamon roll he is, decides to make you feel better by taking you on a drive.

You sighed heavily. Today was rough. You went on a short walk around the scrap yard to calm down, but all it did was make you think about everything more, making it worse. At the moment you were gloomily watching Strongarm and Sideswipe fight about who knows what. You weren't entirely paying attention.

You were so spaced out you didn't notice the loud pedesteps coming twords you. "-alright..?" You blinked a couple times turning your head, your eyes meeting no face. You awkwardly looked up to see the familiar yellow Bumblebee, your crush, with a concerned look on his face. You blushed, embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry, I was spaced out. What did you say?" You nervously asked. His brow ridges furrowed. "...are you alright?" He asked again.

"O-oh! Uh. Yeah. Sorry, I guess my mind hasn't been focused today is all." You turned back to the two bickering bots. "Sorry if I worried you." You apologized. You watched as Strongarm scoffed and walked away. You raised a brow wondering what they were arguing about. Your thoughts were cut short when a survo carefully scooped you up. You squeaked, grabbing onto Bee's digit as he lifted you close to his chassis. "Don't apologize. And, y/n, I know that's not the whole story." He confronted you. You looked at him hesitantly. Should you tell him? 'Me and him are very close...and he seems worried...' You thought for a moment before sighing. "Ok..." You began to tell him about how your day was stressful and tiring. More than it usually is.

"I'm sorry about than, y/n..." He apologized. You looked away, being absorbed back into the depths of your mind. "Hey," he caught your attention. "I was just about to go for an evening drive. Wanna join?"

You gave a small smile and nodded. "Sure, Bee."

He set you down and transformed into his alt-mode, opening the door for you to get in. You and him left the scrapyard calmly and quietly.

The drive was awkward and quiet. After a long, painful silence you interrupted it. "So, how's Earth on you so far? I hope it isn't too bad." Bee hummed before responding, "It's actually quite peaceful here. I mean, still chaos with all the cons, but it's nice." He answered truthfully. "That's good."

"The sunsets are really pretty here..." You could here the honest smile in his voice. "They remind me of you, kinda."

You froze, as a soft blush brushed your cheeks. The seat heated up underneath you. "I-mean-uh...scrap.." Bee stuttered. "Y-you think I'm pretty?" you asked. "I uhm...oh frag it-" he sighed. "Yeah. Y/n...I know we haven't been friends that long, but I think I really like you..."

A heavy silence followed suit of this confession. "I understand if you don't like me back..." He sighed sadly.

"Bee...I-" you smiled warmly, patting the dash. "I think I might like you too." You admitted. The seat warmed noticeably. "Really!" He squealed. He cleared is throat. "I mean-uh- Really?" Bee answered cooly. You giggled. "Yes, Bee."

The mech released a sigh of relief. "Oh thank Primus-" he breathed softly. You chuckled at this.

"Love ya, Bee...thanks for taking me with by the way," you thanked him. "It helped a lot."

You heard something similar to fans kick in somewhere. "Of course, y/n..."

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