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Dear reader, congratulations for making it to the end! 

The comical and vocabulous bedazzlement you had to endure for so many pages wasn't an accidental fancy! 

Despite its tragic tone, Danganronpa is a series of a ridiculous and comical character – and this manner of writing, I think, reflects the contrast between the tragic and ridiculous most aptly, though at times in danger of undermining the tragic element with tactless humour.

For any curious readers: this style was heavily inspired by Thomas Carlyle (one of whose chief works, Sartor Resartus, Claude Debussy called ''a cruel breviary of humour''; also calling the writer ''a great novelist'' and a ''charming dyspeptique'': Debussy being a Carlylean himself; – a surprising connection that certainly strengthens the argument for this work's odd style), though it's not an imitation, as his style remains solely his, and so everything written has been laced with personal peculiarities. 

Given the work's synoptical brevity, it must be said that the intended plan was much shorter than the final result; and I felt tempted to add more, seeing how little saimatsu was in place, but, were I to continue this, the consequent chapters would come to aimless discursions of all the places where the saimatsu-ship might sail: a task deeply unsatisfying for me, and proacted much better by other fanfictions. But I'm planning to release one more chapter before things come to their close; when that will be, I can't tell. Currently, the idea is too distant. 

Whether that comes to be or not, I hope that the reading was somewhat enjoyable. I'd also like to express due gratitude for all the votes and comments; comments especially: very pleasant to read in all respects.

The author now, however, retreats to his dim, ambiguous ways; shrouded in darkness and leaving this work here for all willing future – and perhaps past? — readers to enjoy. Shuichi and Kaede having reached their happy end, now he goes to seek his. 

S, dear readers, thank you and — farewell. 

By Death United (A Saimatsu story)Where stories live. Discover now