Chapter 3

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Days passed, and concerning Kaede's state, the progress of her recovery, or the progress of the investigation as a whole, no mention was made; Shuichi convinced that his uncle was behind this notsoincognitokeepinginthedark: stone-cold and steady about protecting his nephew, whenever the youngster gave him a bit of doubt – but enough with the notsoincognitokeepinginthedarking. He couldn't let go of the idea; if you started it, then at least finish it, he thought, flirting with grander quotes and resolutions in his spare time, though on the outside, he remained as awkward and shy as Mahiru lastly said him to be. 

He was wading through a violent stream of students when he spotted Kaede talking with Sakura at the end of the corridor; they were standing and chatting for a moment, letting him have some hope of reaching them, but then they headed counter-stream, too. Shuichi: rowing desperately through the students; Sakura: stream parting before her. An impossible and unfair race, only kept going by that uncle-stubborness he fortunately inherited. A race looking more favourable, until the two girls passed a corner: stream lessening there, but still bothersome to Shuichi. When he passed the corner, he saw Sakura standing next to a classroom entrance, talking with Akane: Kaede nowhere to be seen. 

''H-Hey, am I interrupting something. . . ?'' He asked, as he approached them. 

''Hm? No, Shuichi; we're just waiting for the next class,'' Sakura grunted, looking expectantly at the daydreaming Akane. 

''Uh, what?'' Akane came back, eyes darting towards Shuichi; and smiled apologetically. ''Sorry, didn't see you there. I had to skip breakfast this morning, so the cogs are taking longer than usual!'' 

''It's fine,'' though the cogs metaphor seemed out of place. 

''I'm trying to convince Akane not to be too enthusiastic about her workouts in this state,'' Sakura continued. 

''It's not that big of a deal, seriously,'' Akane said. 

''Okay, well, I just wanted to ask you about something, Sakura.''

''What would you like to know?'' Her air was friendly, but posture and stance imposing: a daughter of protein and lifetime gym membership, no less! 

''H-How is Kaede doing?'' He asked, recollecting Mahiru's words; thinking that his question might've in fact been tactless. 

''Kaede. . .'' Sakura mused and closed her eyes. ''Akane, could you give us a moment?'' 

''Sure,'' the daydreamer responded and left them. 

''You're investigating her mother's murder, yes?'' 

By Death United (A Saimatsu story)Where stories live. Discover now