Chapter 9

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''What was your favourite part?'' 

''Probably the end; it was quite uplifting.''

''Most people think it's the best part of the piece, but I think the rest of it is equally good, because it feels like a long build-up!'' Kaede explained cheerfully. 

They were coming back home from the concert; accompanied by Kirumi and Nagito, who happened to be taking the same way back; but Shuichi couldn't permit himself to be alone with Kaede - so they were to accompany them either way. The hour young: sun still perceptibly shying away behind the clouds over the horizon; students finishing their detention finally able to make a few cautious steps in this strange, new world: overwhelmed and struck down by freedom; and older folk following their customary path to the nearest izakaya. 

''Kirumi, how did you find it?'' Kaede asked. 

''It was an extraordinary performance; the orchestra was energetic and gentle at the same time, and I haven't ever witnessed anything like that,'' Kirumi stated, and then looked at Shuichi. ''Hence why I'm especially grateful to Shuichi for inviting me.''

''I-It's not a big deal, you know. . . But I'm glad that you enjoyed it,'' he said and lowered his head modestly: with the hat gone, something else had to be lowered. 

''Yup, everything really was spectacular!'' Nagito added. 

''And you shouldn't say that it wasn't a big deal, you invited everyone, after all!'' Kaede challenged him with her feigned disgruntlement, and Shuichi wondered just how much more obstinacy he could expect of her if she were his wife – be that nugatory speculation food for the wind, and not for rumours! Nothing else, but speculation – indubitably! Uxorial fantasies are not to be entertained here. 

''Shuichi. . . so underappreciated for his efforts, treated with disrespect like some lowly, talentless-'' 

''Please refrain from speaking, Nagito,'' Kirumi ordered, and he spoke no more. 

''We should do something like this, again, don't you think?'' Kaede suggested, staying close to Shuichi's side. The pronoun unclear and pushing him towards redness. 

''We? Like with Sakura, Mahiru-'' 

''No, I mean. . . just the two of us,'' she whispered; tempted to take his hand, but the observant Kirumi walking behind them warranted caution, though the maid wasn't inclined towards rumour - Kaede's indiscretion would be too hasty, neither was her confidence about Shuichi's feelings assured. 

''Ah, yeah, I-I wouldn't mind that,'' he responded. ''Tell me when you're free, and I'll come up with something.''

''Of course.'' She smiled at him affectionately. 

''Is that. . . It is you! Hey, Shuichi!'' Someone suddenly shouted. 

''Kaito? What are you doing here?'' Shuichi asked him as he ran up to them. 

By Death United (A Saimatsu story)Where stories live. Discover now