Chapter 7

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3rd person POV:

*After the 2nd phase*

"Y/n wake up. The 3rd phase is starting" Y/n opened her eyes and saw Gittarackur

"Aye?! Thanks for waking up)" She smiled amd got up. "You're welcome" He answered and they exited the airship.

"All you need to do is to get down from this tower)" playfully smiled Netero




*After the guy got eaten*

Y/n looked down from the top of the tower and walked back. She stopped when she reached to the half.

She turned around and ran towards the edge and....jumped. No one reacted on time due to the shock.

"Is she crazy?!??"

"Why would she do that??"

"She wanted to die that bad!??"

Gon and Killua were frozen. Hisoka was restraining Gittarackur: he wanted to jump after her and try to save her.

In the Zoldyck mansion you could hear the buzz of the fly. No one spoke, no one moved. The girl they loved so dearly was going to die in a few seconds. They didn't want to believe that, but then.....

Y/n flipped in the air as she was near ground and landed perfectly on her feet. The impact of her fall caused the ground to shatter and break. She looked up.

"I'm fineee, did I paaaass?!" She shouted on top of her lunges

Netero was the first one to calm down

"Yes Y/n-chan you paaaassed!!!! Now come back so we can think what to do neeeext" He shouted back

"Ok-.....Wai-WHAT??!? COME BACK?!?! WHYYY I JUST GOT HEREEE!!! WEREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO GO DOWN????!!! THIS IS SO UNFAIRR!!!!" She furiously shouted. But still climbed up the wall with impressive speed.

"Hahaha she got me" Zeno chuckled lowly

"I'm impressed" Silva said with sort of proud look

Kikyo was laughing and crying at the same time

"OMG SHE'S LIKE SAILOR MOON!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩(or whatever other things he's watching)" Shouted Milluki on top of his lungs and only stopped because of Silvas' glare.

When Y/n reached the top she nearly fell again because Killua and Gon literally fell on her and started to cry

"Y/nnnn don't do it again! Only I can do stupid things! You're not allowed to!" Gon cried

"Baka! You're like a big sister to me that I never had! Don't scare me anymore! I can't loose you!" Killua cried

"G-guys It's o-ok I won't-t do this-this again, but...If you don't s-stop squeezing I-I'll end up dead-" She managed to say 'cus Killua and Gon were squeezing the sh*t out of her.

"Oh! Sure" "Sorry, got carried away!" They let go of her and wiped their tears. Y/n ruffled their hair and went towards Netero.

"Hmm let's see Y/n. Congratulations you passed the 3rd phase! Now you can make a choice, either go and rest or pass the phase with someone. What is your answer" Netero said seriously

She thought for a moment then confidently looked towards Gon and Killua.

"I'm choosing the 1st option. I'm sure that Gon and Killua will be fine alone"

"Wise decision must I say" Netero smirked and pointed towards the airship. "Now go and rest"

She walked towards the airship but was stopped by a hand grabbing hers'. It was Gittarackurs'

"Y/n.....don't you ever try to do something like that again.....otherwise......I'll break your legs and hands so you won't be able to move"

She sweat dropped at the amount of the bloodlust. She knew that he would do it without hesitation. In other situation she would stab the person, but now she didn't. Something stopped her from doing so.

"Fine, your win! I won't do it need to be so angry" She mumbled with light blush covering her cheeks

Then she smiled warmly at him and waved at Gon and Killua

"I'll see you guys after 3 days! Good luck!" And got into the airship.

'Y/n, Y/n. You made the right choice by promising to not do things like that again.....and you're right....I would have done it.........I will do anything to make you mine, with me you will be safe 'cus I'll protect you from anything and anyone'

Hey guys!!!!

I finally finished this chapterrrr

Also I'm gonna make Illumi much more possessive so yeah

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