Chapter 6

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3rd person POV:

"The second phase will be cooking!" Menchi shouted

"And you will be cooking pork!" Buhara finished

"Yes! Finally! I'm starving!" Y/n clapped her hands, ignoring others' complains

"Oh so she's going to cook. Entertain me!" Kikyo looked at the screen curiously

"Ok now I'm actually interested!" Milluki said and opened the next bag of chips.

Y/n was looking around the forest when she heard screams




She looked towards the noise and saw a gigantic pig which was running right at her.

"Damn they're huge!" Y/n jumped very high and landed on the pigs' forehead, killing it. "Well that was quick and easy" she cleaned off the dust from her clothes and looked how others tried to kill them.

"How did you know that its' weak spot is the forehead" she turned around to see Gittarackur standing next to her

"The pigs' nose is very big and it's covering the forehead, so I thought that the forehead is the weak spot" 

"Then why won't you help the others?" Y/n looked at Gon and Killua

"I would love to do that, but I believe that they would like to figure it out by know, when someone helps you it feels nice, but when you find out about it by yourself: you feel proud, happy and strong. That's why I won't help. Besides, look how happy they are now!"

Gittarackur turned and saw Killua and Gon happily talk about how they found out its' weak spot

"Hmmmm I see"

"OK, now up we go!" Y/n picked up the pig and threw it over her shoulder "See you at the end!"


<Time Skip>

"This is horrible! Next!" Menchi shouted at Y/n

"Well can I at least get a pi-"

"Sorry you said something?" Buhara asked as he ate the last piece of the pork

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"Sorry you said something?" Buhara asked as he ate the last piece of the pork

"....tell me.......what is holding me back from killing you.......right here and right now....."

"Y-you'll get disqualified!" "A-and I'll kill you!" Menchi and Buhara shouted, scared at the amount of the bloodlust that Y/n let out

"I don't care.....I'll kill you both...." she rose her hand, ready to stab but someone stopped her

"Y/n don't do it. You'll just waste your time. I'll give you mine so calm down" Gittarackur said with serious tone

"You better thank the God that Gittarackur came. 2 would have already became a pork yourselves."  with that she turned around and walked away with Gittarackur while slowly calming down

"That's much better. Here, you can it if your hungry" he placed the pork in front of Y/n

"Thanks Gittarackur! I swear if you didn't come I would have turned them into one nice, big juicy pork!" she said as she took a bite. "OMGGGGG IT'S SO TASTY"

"Hey girl with number #409!" Y/n looked up from her pork and saw Menchi looking at her "You pass! Sorry for failing you! It was actually tasty! I was just angry at the others that they insulted cooking!" Y/ns' eyes widened "Nah! It's ok. And thank you!" she warmly smiled and continued to eat.

*Skipping Neteros' coming part*

"And since Miss Y/n here already passed, she can just rest in the airship" Finished chairman Netero.

"Thanks chairman Netero" she then turned towards Killua, Gon and Gittarackur "I'll see after you guys finish. Good luck!" After saying bye she got into airship

Y/n got to her room and started admiring it without knowing that the world famous assassin family was already planning the wedding day.


I'll see if I can post the next one tomorrow

Can't promise anything tho

Bye bye 😘🤗❤

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