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Once upon a time,

Two Constellations shines throughout a Multiverse.

Destiny and Fate.

Destiny has much more positive connotations than fate. Destiny is the future scenario, which cannot be determined by decisions an individual will make. It was favor by everyone, everyone hopes the best for their own destiny.

Fate is often conceived as being divinely inspired. Fate is about the present, where every decision an individual has made has led them to their present scenario. Nobody liked it because of the decision.

Fate is a very miserable word. Fate wanted to be favored as much Destiny is favored.

Time passes, Destiny and Fate decided to create a lovely world, where everyone can receives their destiny and fate.

Soon, a strange little creation was abandoned by it creator. Fate took a pity on little creation, Fate decided to brought the little creation to something higher.

A protector, God of Creation.

Now the little creation is no longer miserable, the name of it own has been replaced by a new one. The protector is now a very happy being.

The protector soon finds new power of it own. Protector creates over and over again. To feel the joy of life.

The protector is very grateful to dear Fate. It always hope for Fate to be with it side, everyday, every moment and every second.

Fate has fallen in love with the one Fate pitied. Fate adore the Protector very much, Fate don't want the Protector to be miserable again... ... Protector is Fate favorite now.

Destiny, the one who want the balance of the Multiverse and a deep rest was disturbed by the unbalanced of the world.

Destiny confront Fate to stop the Protector from creating more pieces of world. It's like a glass that filled with ongoing water. A big mess.

Fate don't want to let down the Protector. Fate don't want the Protector to lose hope on Fate. So Fate search a vessel from world pieces, thus Fate found the one that is worthy enough. The one who can help to clean the Protector's mess.

A destroyer, God of Destruction.

A miserable prayer. The Prayer's fate is very miserable, yet the Prayer believe that Destiny the one who did this. It was not a hatred or sadness. It was a pleasure.
The prayer is very grateful to Destiny to let Prayer meet the love of it life. The Prayer always been thoughtful of Destiny but never Fate.

Fate hated the Prayer. How could the prayer be so thoughtful of Destiny when Fate the one who gave the Prayer a fate.

Fate chose the very dear Prayer to be a destroyer. The miserable Prayer was forced to abandoned the family that Prayer had with the love of it life. The Prayer was forced to forget about everything.

Cried the Prayer, it pray for mercy. Poor the prayer, it cried until it can't shed tears no more.

Thus, now the multiverse is perfect. It has a protector and a destroyer.

Time passes again, a guardian enter the multiverse. Destiny and Fate allowed the Guardian to stay in one of the Protecter's au. The Guardian took an interest of a very normal au and own it.

The Guardian create two lovely children, Positive and Negative. The Guardian soon leaves two children at such young age, only for them to answer their own curiosity.

Destiny favored Positive much more than Negative. Destiny given the Positive everything that a child should wanted. Positive live naively because of Destiny favouritism on Positive itself.

Negative live sophisticated because of Destiny ignorant. Negative adore it very dear twin but the favouritism changed him a heart. Fate took a pity on Negative and want to bring it to a higher position.

The King, God of Negativity.

Negative believe in both Fate and Destiny. It doesn't matter as long Negative is happy with it twin. Fate decided to brought a fate for Negative to be happy without it twin.

Negative rejects fates so many time. Negative believe that it can be happy with it twin and won't be happy if they both separate. Fate is impressed by Negative.

Fate has been watching Negative, Fate really want to help Negative so it decided to destroy the Negative beliefs. Negative hope crushed and so it finally accepted Fate's help.

The king is very much more happier but the consequence of it fate was it has to be separated from it dearest twin and became a gruesome monster.

The consequence causes sadness upon Positive. Destiny couldn't help it but to help Positive. In order to make Positive to be happy, Positive has to kill it own dearest twin. Favouritism on Positive, Destiny has forgotten about the balance.

So now, Positive is known as a very loveable person throughout the Multiverse.

The Guardian, God of Positivity.

Just like the previous Guardian.

Sadness, happiness
Hatred, loveable
Acceptance, rejection

Truly, Destiny and Fate is crueler if you know more about them.

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