THIRTY SEVEN: do i know you?

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AKUJI WOKE UP IN a pure white room

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AKUJI WOKE UP IN a pure white room. Her stomach hurt horribly but she didn't know why. She was filled with fear, anger, guilt, longing – but she didn't know why.

She raised her hand to shield her eyes due to how bright the room was and she caught sight of tubes sticking out of her arm.

"What the fuck?" She muttered as she glanced up to the IV bag said tubes were connected to.

"Hey, it's okay." A familiar and comforting voice said. They reached out and took Akuji's hand, squeezing it in reassurance, "You're okay."

Akuji glanced over to see Akane. She felt relief flood her but...she also felt guilt... Why? She could see it in Akane's eyes as well, the girl didn't trust her fully. Whatever had happened between the two hanging out in Shibuya and Akuji waking up in the hospital had sent a rift through them.

Then, she saw Akane's leg.

"Your leg! Oh my God, what happened? Why? You're–you're in a wheelchair! What the fuck?"

"Hey, hey, calm down." Akane said calmly, "I'm fine but what I'm going to tell you will be a lot. Can you handle that?"

Once Akuji nodded, Akane continued, "About 49 hours ago, a meteorite hit Tokyo. Our hearts stopped. For a minute, we were in the Borderlands. Do you know what that is? It's the border between life and death. But you're okay, we're both okay. You have some internal bleeding and damage to your tissue according to the doctors but you should be fine. I should, too, I'm getting a prosthetic leg soon."

"Borderlands?" Akuji frowned as she tried to take in all the information, "I thought that was a religious thing, like Heaven and Hell and Purgatory."

Akane shrugged, "Well, that's just what people are saying. It's probably a lie to make us feel better. So many people died, we're the lucky ones."

Akuji glanced down at her stomach. Underneath her hospital gown was bandages and pain. She almost fell deep into her thoughts until Akane turned on the news. The two were sharing a hospital room and thankfully had no strangers around.

"It has been two days since a meteorite exploded over Tokyo." A person reported as it showed a bird's eye view of the destroyed city, "Structural damage is centred around a 10km radius. We extend our condolences to the following families..."

The reporter began to read out names and Akuji felt strange emotions flood her.

"Saori Shibuki." Sympathy.

"Kodai Tatta." Guilt.

"Suguru Niragi." Triumph.

"I don't want to listen anymore." Akuji stated in a trembling voice. Akane turned off the TV, which she was grateful for.

"Let's go for a walk." Akane said then glanced down at her wheelchair. She forced out a laugh, trying to act normal, trying to act strong for Akuji, "I'll stay sitting down, of course."

Akuji managed to get her balance as she left her hospital bed. She clutched onto her IV stand as well as Akane's hand as she got accustomed to walking with a painful wound. Yes, it was healing but it was still hurting and uncomfortable.

The floor was cold underfoot and it sent a shock through Akuji's system as she made her way out into the hallway. She walked down the hallways, her legs getting accustomed to having weight on them.

Suddenly, Akane stopped. She was staring into a room where a muscular man was laying on top of a table, nurses and doctors surrounding him.

"What is it?" Akuji asked but Akane stayed silent.

One of the nurses left the room, looking at Akane with a stern yet concerned stare, "Do you know him?"

Akane slowly shook her head, "No. I don't think so. But I do understand; I bet he's trying to survive, too."

The nurse nodded, "He is. Now, you must move along so we can continue our job."

Akane bowed her head respectfully, "Of course."

Then, she and Akuji continued down the hallway. The two kept walking until they reached a vending machine.

"Do you have any coins?" Akuji asked Akane.

Before the girl could open her mouth, a different voice spoke, "I do. Here."

Akuji turned to see a man with shaggy hair offering her some money. He looked familiar and she realised he was apart of the group of friends she had observed in Shibuya. But it was something different than that, she knew. They felt close, like they were family.

"Thank you." Akuji said, taking the coins from him. He smiled and she frowned, "Do I know you?"

The man frowned also, studying her face, "I'm not really sure. Possibly."

"Excuse me," A woman cut in. She bowed her head politely to the three, "I'd like to use the machine."

"Of course." The three nodded, moving out of her way. Then, they stopped and stared once they took in her appearance.

They all said simultaneously, "Do I know you?"

this is the second to last chapter :( im gonna miss writing this book 😭😭

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