TWENTY NINE: you don't get to win

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A GUNSHOT SOUNDED OUT as Niragi was flung from his place on top of the car and was thrown to the floor

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A GUNSHOT SOUNDED OUT as Niragi was flung from his place on top of the car and was thrown to the floor.

Letting out a shout of alarm, Arisu started running. Akuji thought for one horrible moment that he had sympathy for Niragi — but he wasn't sprinting towards him, he was going to Chishiya.

With a horrible feeling in her stomach, Akuji realised Niragi had fired his gun at the same time as her. He had hit Chishiya again and since her friend was there, Akuji assumed it was to protect Usagi.

A part of Akuji wanted to go over there and comfort Chishiya in his (hopefully not) last moments. But a bigger part of her wanted to ruin Niragi like he'd ruined her.

She wanted to have fun with him.

Briskly walking over, not running so she didn't spend too much effort on him, Akuji caught sight of Niragi laying on the ground. His hands were covering a gaping bullet wound on his stomach.

Without speaking, without announcing her presence, Akuji snatched the man up by the hair on his head and threw him to the side.

He landed on the side of a car. Weakly, he raised his pistol to shoot her but Akuji simply kicked it out of his hand.

She bent down, grabbing his hair to tilt his head up so they could make eye contact. Her body shook and there was a small panic blooming in her chest from being this close to him but in that moment, it just made her feel more alive.

"You don't get to win." Akuji told him, "You don't get to live."

She raised her shotgun, pointing it at his face. She wanted to blow a disgusting hole in it and watch the gore and blood ooze out. Niragi's face lit up a little at the thought of a quick death.

Akuji quickly dropped her firearm from his face, laughing, "Not yet. I need to see you hurt first."

With that, she punched him in the face. It hurt her knuckles but she continued a few more times until she noticed blood spouting from his nose.

The girl pulled away, half wanting to wipe the blood from her knuckles and half wanting to keep it there as a warning: don't mess with Akuji because she will get revenge.

"I corrupted you." Niragi stated with a smirk and a feeble, cough ridden laugh.

Clenching her jaw, Akuji glared at Niragi. He hadn't done anything, he didn't deserve any credit for what she was about to do. Little did he know. Little did he fucking know.  Akuji bent down so that she was face to face with her worst enemy, a fire blazing in her eyes, "You didn't corrupt me. I was always like this. You were just lucky enough to never see it...until now."

And now, she was done talking.

Pulling her knife out of her skirt pocket, she stared at it with interest for a few moments, twirling it around and around in her fingers as she wondered what to do to Niragi first.

He was sat there, motionless. His eyes followed her every moment. There was no fear in them and it made Akuji mad.

Surging forward, she raised her knife and then struck – right in his eye. He let out a shriek of pain. It was satisfying. Pulling out her knife, Akuji paused to take in the scene before her. Now, Niragi was scared. He knew that Akuji could do whatever she wanted to him, that she had the power here, that she was powerful.

His actions made her feel weak and vulnerable but now she was strong; he was the weak one, he was at her mercy. Not only was she doing this for herself and for Usagi, she needed to ensure he never hurt anyone else again.

Almost smiling, the girl stabbed the eye again. She made sure he was blind in that eye before moving onto the next and doing the same.

Through his expression, Akuji could tell Niragi was terrified, though he was not pleading for mercy nor help. He was too full of arrogance and pride, which was fine, Akuji guessed. He didn't need his tongue anyway.

So, she cut it out.

Blood spurted onto her face. The crimson liquid was so slippery that she could barely pick up her gun again. Still, she managed to do so and fired at Niragi's stomach. She wanted him to die but long, slowly and agonisingly painfully. So, as much as she wanted to, she couldn't just blow his head off and leave it as that.

Niragi was now motionless. Akuji wasn't sure if he had passed out or died or what, but she took in her work for a few moments before leaving.

She felt proud.

yay akuji tortured that evil mf!! sorry if its too gorey i just hate niragi sm (ik ive said this before LMAO) so it's self indulgent 💀 also even though akuji's in her redemption arc she's still evil as fuck like shown in this chapter 🤭🤭

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