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The Wizengamot of Wizarding England came together once every quarter year to discuss the laws of the British Wizarding World and to make sure the Ministry was up to par when it came to the wellbeing of the magical citizens of the country. They were known throughout their community as the absolute authority and was made up of the most powerful wizards and witches in Magical England: the receivers of the Order of Merlin Award for exceptional deeds, all three classes of it, the heads of the Departments of the Ministry of Magic, the Lords and Ladies of the Noble and Ancient Houses -the oldest and most powerful families in the British isles- and finally the Minister For Magic, the Chief Warlock, and a scribe for writing the occurrences of the sessions.

Along with deciding on the Laws and happenings of the British Wizarding World, they also presided over the most important trials, the trials that affected the Wizarding World as a whole not just a few people, and that was the reason for their gathering on that very day. To oversee and enact justice for the trial of an unknown person, who they will know the identity of soon enough.

As the members all took their seats, they all chatted quietly among themselves about the identity and crime of the person to be trialled that day, especially to have incited a meeting of the Wizengamot. As soon as everyone had taken their seats and the chatter had calmed down, Amelia Bones, Head of the DMLE, stood up and walked towards the raised dais that the Chief Warlock usually occupied during meetings, but as this was a trial and not a normal meeting the Chief Warlock would not be overseeing it.

"Welcome Lords and Ladies of the Wizengamot. Before we begin, there are two of our peers who will be taking their seats among us. Lady Victoria Potter-Prewett, who will be sitting as Proxy for the Honourable and Most Ancient House of Potter and The Virtuous and Most Ancient House of Prewett, and Lord Frank Longbottom, Lord of The Esteemed and Most Ancient House of Longbottom."

No one was really surprised by the announcement, as they had read the Daily Prophet the day before, but what did leave everyone speechless was Lady Prewett entering the chamber on the arm of Lord Arcturus Black, one of the oldest and politically most powerful lords alive in their time, who hadn't attended a meeting in four years, known to have stepped back from the political arena after the imprisonment of his grandson and the death of his wife and son.

The two newer additions took their vows and took their seats in the chamber, earning shocked looks from the light side as both the Longbottom and Potter seats were on the grey side of the room. The Lord and Lady were greeted by Lord Greengrass, head of the grey alignment, and sat gracefully in their seats. As soon as they'd put their wands in their respective places, the crests of the houses they were representing shone above their heads, Frank's surrounded by a silver glow to indicate his position as rightful Lord while Victoria's were surrounded by a purple hue, to show her place as the chosen proxy to both houses. More stares followed that, as most thought the Potter Proxy was in Dumbledore's hands, even though he had never sat in the seats before. The dark and grey sects all smiled gleefully at that, as it was obvious to them how much of a liar Dumbledore was.

"Now then, let us begin." Madame Bones said, knocking her gravel once to get everyone's attention. "This is the trial of Heir Sirius Orion Black, of the Most Noble and Exceedingly Ancient House of Black." That caused a series of gasps to flow through the chamber. As people stared in shock at Bones for her statement, Dumbledore started standing in opposition of what he knew was about to happen, but the magic of the chamber forced him to his seat and sealed his lips, so that he may not interfere, as the chamber was charmed by Lord Merlin himself to enact justice on all trials that may occur in it.

"It has recently come to the attention of the Minister and myself that he never received a trial when he was captured and sent to Azkaban ten years ago. As such, we have decided to bring him in front of this body and try him for the crimes he was accused of. Please bring in the accused." As soon as she had said that, the double doors of the chamber opened and two aurors came in, holding a gaunt man by an arm each. Even though he was wearing basic robes that dwarfed his body, showing exactly how thin he was, he still walked with confidence and sat on the seat indicated to him with grace like he owned the place, accepting the chains with a dark smile. It seemed as though the roguish playboy had embraced his Black roots and decided that he make those who had sent him to hell pay, if the smirk and dark look in his eyes were anything to go by.

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