Deja Vu

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"Are you sure about this Mum?"

"I have no other choice boys. I have to go."

Morning had come sooner than they'd anticipated and it was time for Victoria to get ready for her meeting with Minister of Magic.

Victoria stared at herself in the full-length mirror, she hadn't looked like this in a very long time. After Fabian had died, she'd hidden all her expensive robes in the corner of her closet and only worn black duelling robes for missions, black dress pants and a shirt for everyday outing or pyjamas, as she'd rarely left the manor after becoming a widow. Now though, she was wearing a beautiful set of navy-blue robes with a sweetheart neckline. They were fitted at the top and spread-out at the waist, with a small slit in the side for easier movement. She wore white ankle boots with a heel that made her at least three cm taller beneath the robes. She had her hair up in a twisted and curled low chignon, with a few small diamonds throughout. For the first time in almost five years, she was wearing her bonding ring, the Lady ring for the house of Prewett, the ring with the Potter family crest that her parents and brother had gotten her on her seventeenth birthday, and the necklace Fabian had given her for her first courting gift. It was a simple gold chain with a locket attached to it, the locket itself had a stag sitting with an owl perched on one of its antlers, the symbols of the Houses of Potter and Prewett respectively, inside the locket, however, was a picture of her and Fabian with a twin each, taken on their first birthday. The picture had originally been one of the two of them that they had taken in their fourth year, where she was ignoring all propriety and had jumped on his back when Ravenclaw had won the Quidditch house cup and the last match of the year. Gideon had taken the picture without them noticing and had given it to his brother the next day in secret. It was one of her favourite memories to this day, as the happiness on both of their faces was always clear. The picture was now enlarged and sitting on the mantle above the fireplace at the moment.

"You look beautiful Mum." Both her boys said in unison, smiling at their mother in awe. Percy nodded in agreement at the words, looking at his aunt with a smile full of admiration at the elegance that she showed. His mother had never once thought about dressing up for events or acting like a pureblood lady, and his father had never really cared about Pureblood Politics, unlike him, so to see his aunt embrace her position and show her political power made him feel a lot better about his choice to go into politics, as he dreamed of becoming a solicitor, and while his father hadn't really cared about what he did with his life as long as he was happy, his mother had invalidated his dreams every chance she got, so it was nice to finally live with someone who seemed to believe in the same things he did.

Victoria smiled at their comment and blew them a playful kiss that had them silently chuckling before she turned back towards the mirror. She couldn't help but agree to their statement though, she looked like a true Pureblood Lady, reminding herself of how her mother looked when she went to charity galas and events with her father.

She then turned towards the bed, where the three sat and watched her get ready. She sat between the three of them and put her arms around them.

"Alright boys. I'll be leaving you three here on your own, so I hope you don't destroy anything and maybe explore the place a little, set up your rooms and work stations, get some homework done. I'll be back as soon as I can." She told them jokingly, trying to lighten the mood as she could see that they weren't comfortable with her leaving just yet.

The twins tightened their arms around her and hid their faces in her shoulders, trying to hide the fact that they were worried that history would repeat itself. Before she had been hit with the spell that had left her in a coma for ten years, she had told them that she was just going to get their uncle James and was going to be back in about three hours before leaving them with James's wife and son, unfortunately those three hours had turned into ten years without her knowledge. She hadn't thought they'd remember, but apparently her boys had better memories than she'd thought. She didn't know what to do to make them understand that that wouldn't happen again if she had anything to say about it. She shared a look with Percy above Fred's shoulder, who shrugged, lost on what to do to comfort them, then a thought struck her, and she smiled to herself, getting a confused look from her nephew. She pulled her arms from around them, which caused the two to raise their heads and look at her in curiosity. She took off her necklace and put it around George's neck before securing it there.

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