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Privet Drive, Surrey, Little Whinging was both just as Victoria had imagined it and way below her expectations. Who would've known that there was a place more boring than Grimmauld Place, she obviously did not. As she walked towards Number 4, she noticed everyone she passed staring at her with odd looks, and she couldn't help but scoff silently at the nosiness of some people. While she knew she must be a sight that they weren't used to in their uneventful lives, walking elegantly through the street like it was her own personal runway with the navy two piece suit that she'd transfigured out of her robes, her ankle boots exchanged for white heals in an effort to look more professional to scare the Dursleys into doing what she wanted, she would've thought people here had a little more shame and wouldn't be staring like some uncouth fish.

A few moments after arriving, she came to stand in front of the door of Number 4, but before she could ring the door bell, she heard her name being called by a vaguely familiar voice.

"Victoria Potter-Prewett?" Turning towards the person who had spoken, she came face to face with Arabella Fig, a squib who had worked alongside Dumbledore and his Order in the war. What did she do, Victoria had no idea.

"Madame Fig. I didn't know you lived here?" Victoria said with a fake smile accompanying her words. The woman didn't seem to catch the tenseness in Victoria's posture or her frigid attitude as she laughed at her question.

"Oh yes, I moved her around ten years ago or so."

"I wouldn't be far off if I assumed this move correlated with the end of the war, would I?" Victoria's smile had taken on a hard edge when the woman's smile widened.

"You wouldn't." Fig laughed. "When Dumbledore asked me to live here to make sure Harry was fine, I have to admit I was a little skeptical. But I owed the man so much that I took the offer anyway. I've been reporting to him about the boy ever since."

"Is that so? And may I ask what Dumbledore has to do with my nephew? Last I remember, my family was never related to the man." That had the woman finally notice Victoria's simmering but quiet anger and cold eyes.

"I-well, he took custody of the boy after James and Lily died and you were already...well in the coma. Which, by the way, I'm glad you're finally awake now." The woman said with a nervous smile at Victoria's expression.

"Thank you."

"So the headmaster asked me to look out for the boy, make sure he doesn't get in trouble and that the Dursleys are treating him right."

"And are they?"

"Well...they keep him fed and clothed." Arabella said nervously, cowering slightly at the visible anger on the other woman's face.

"I see." Victoria said calmly before she looked the woman in the eyes, and while she knew it was illegal, she plunged into her mind, searching for the memory of them meeting and removing it completely, leaving a light compulsion to get her back into her house. She took the opportunity to also see what the Dursleys had done to Harry while he was living there and the anger she felt was explosive at what she saw that she had the urge to strangle the couple and their giant son.

As soon as the woman was inside and out of Victoria's view, she turned towards the door and finally rang the doorbell, waiting for it to open. She then took a deep breath to calm herself.

A few minutes later, she found herself face to face with who she assumed was Petunia Dursely nee Evans, Lily Evans' older sister. She could both see the resemblance between the two and could've never guessed that the woman in front of her was Evans' sister if she hadn't come here knowing.

"Mrs Dursley?"

"Yes?" Dursley said with a haughty air to her, eyeing Victoria up and down in barely vailed jealousy. And oh, there was the resemblance, the two were more arrogant the Malfoys, but at least the Malfoys had a reason for their arrogance.

A Potter's Revenge (What the House of Potter is actually capable of)Where stories live. Discover now