Bab 9..

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"I can't believe it! Why would Ky agree? I really don't want her to get hurt again. You and I knew that Ky will fall in love with El or the other way around.",said Ez toward Ed while running his hand through his hair. Clearly Ez was frustrated. "I know that Ez.But what can we do? Ky already decided to be El's wife.We also don't know what was happening in her mind.Just relax first kay? We will confront Ky later.",said Ed while leaving Ez behind her.


"Baby,hey.Why are you crying?I'm sorry.I didn't mean to hurt you or anything with my question.I just wanna know you more.That's It."Before El could continue talking,Kyra ran out the room while crying.The first place she went to was the outdoor pool.One thing you need to know about Kyra is that she love to swim when she is either stressed or sad.Kyra had been in the pool for 2 hours but yet she does not want  to get out.Water always soothe her.Not any ordinary water but pool water.Yeah,weird right?What she does not know was that El had been watching her since she ran out from the office.


After like 4 hours swimming in the pool,Kyra decided to get out.Suddenly,she felt nausea and started to vomit.She could practically heard somebody yelling her name.But before she could stood up properly after vomiting, everything around her became dark.


"Doc,is she okay?",asked El. "Of course she is fine! Congrats! You are becoming a father to a quadruplets.".The doctor practically said that with a smile on his face. El's jaw dropped. "Doc,are you serious?",asked El still in shocked. "Are you kidding me? Why should I lie to you? Its a great news. Oh, your wife is 2 months pregnant. Congrats again.",said the doc before she left the room. "OMG! I can't believe it! I need to know about this woman background by hook or by crook. I will go contact Jeff now.",thought El leaving Kyra in the room resting.


"Mummy! Mummy! Wake up! Are you okay? Daddy said you are not feeling well." Kyra was woke up by Kysha shaking her up. "Wow.Where am I? Oh, my room. Wait a second, I remember I went to the outdoor pool,I swim for 4 hours straight,Getting nausea and vomiting then Faint. How come I..EL!",thought Kyra refreshing last night memory. "Hey honey,I'm okay.No worry.Could you call daddy for me?",asked Kyra sweetly while touching her hand. "Okay",Kysha replied while climbing down the bed and ran out the door.


"Wow! I can't believe it! She is Zill Faezrul's wife! How come I never noticed! Im such a idiot! He is my best friend! But one thing that keep disturbing my mind is that why would Kyra and his quadruplets walking in the street that night? All alone and cold.",monologue El. "Daddy!Daddy! Mummy is awake and she want to meet you.",yelled Kysha while running to El. "Really?That's great.Let's meet Mummy",said El while pulling Kysha up and carried her with him while walking to Kyra's room.


Knock Knock."Come in.",yelled Kyra."Kysha,go play with Aunty Ed.Mummy wanna talk to daddy.",said Kyra when she saw El bring Kysha along. "Kay,Mummy.Bye,daddy.",said Kyra while running out the room yelling Aunty Ed repeatedly. "What you wanna discuss about?",asked El after he sat beside Kyra on the bed. "Okay,First,How come I am in my bedroom?Second,Why do I fainted and Third,why do you keep avoiding my gaze?",asked Kyra while trying to look into his eyes. "First,I carried you here.I was watching you since you ran out from my office.Second,You are pregnant with quadruplets and third,I practically checked your background.",replied El feeling guilty. "Wait! What did you just said about the second one?",asked Kyra shocked. "Come on!I could not hear him wrong.",thought Kyra." You are pregnant.",replied El calmly. "What?!",yelled Kyra shocked. "God Damn it! Seriously,there is so many time to get pregnant and my ovum choose this time to ovulate.Lucky me,huh? I have a very nice ovum that keep dividing until I'm pregnant with quadruplet again.Smooth,Kyra.Very smooth.",thought Kyra."How month?",asked Kyra calmly."2 months old and I know that the quadruplets id Zill Faezrul's child.",said El carefully. "Wait,How come you know?I never tell you anyting about my past.",asked Kyra while tears starting to form in her eyes. "Well,err,Like I told you just now,I did a background checked on you when I knew you are pregnant.",said El not looking into Kyra's eyes. "Oh,Okay.Could you live me alone?",asked Kyra while turning to the opposite side. "Yeah,sure.I'm sorry.",said El before he left the room.


"God damn it! Why do I have to do a background check on her! I could practically asked her! Now I feel guilty.",yelled El while throwing all the thing on his table to the floor.Exactly on that time,Ed came in."Woah,what happened brother?",asked Ed smirking and then she continue "Get rejected?" El held Ed gaze and replied with a serious face and tone, "Nope.Kyra is pregnant with quadruplets." "What?!",Ed's jaw dropped.


*Author's Note : Sorry for waiting too long.Thanks for reading and supporting this story guys! I love you guys and I appreciate it so much! You guys are my soul. I will update as soon as possible. Please Vote,share and comment. Much love,Me. Thanks for following me and adding my story to your reading list.Thank you so much! Enjoy! (=  

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