Chapter 9

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Naoto's POV: Day of Crowning

I began walking towards the balcony from the royal hallway as I was dressed in my new royal attire. I had a red cape with the symbol of hope on it. My armor is colored a deep royal blue with golden metal parts on it and joints. This was my king's armor. I still couldn't process that I was becoming the King of Eostia. I never thought or wanted to become that by helping them. This was when I understood what it really meant to be a leader. Being a leader was about being responsible for your people. To protect them from harm at any cost. To guide them in the long term toward a better future. A good leader was one the people look up to and rally as they walked behind him with pride as they relate to their leader's ideals. This was how a ruler was meant to be and I finally understood. As I was approaching the balcony's door I was intercepted by a voice I thought I would hear again.

''To think I'd give birth to such a fine young man. I regret not having fought more against Minato-Teme that day. Naoto you have no idea how proud I am of you.'' Kushina mother said to me as I turned and stopped to talk with her.

''! How can you be actually...'' I tried to ask but she answered me anyway to clarify things further.

''I did die twice but that Elthara revived me fully without being a zombie. I came to help you and guide you in this war. I have to force answers out of the Third Hokage and Jiraiya.'' She said as I nodded before inquiring about her questions.

''What questions mom? I'm afraid that I don't follow''. I said as nodded before explaining.

''I was sent away to Konoha when I was eight to become the Kyuubi's second vessel. Eventually, the Second Great Ninja War happened and I was kidnapped by what I thought were Kumo Ninjas I thought things through I realized I was wrong. My home Village Uzushio was wiped out AFTER the Fourth Hokage when he was a genin and I realized that Kumo and Iwa HAD NO WAY of getting inside Uzushio. Uzushio is surrounded by five massive natural whirlpools thus why it is named after them. Even if they managed to get through that, they still would have to get inside our wall and our seals as Fuijutsu is our specialty would have warned them. This meant only that...''She explained but I finished for her.

''That Konoha sold them away in after they got. This is how they disabled the seals and outmaneuvered the whirlpools. Konoha had what they wanted mom and it was you. You thinking about the Third and Jiraiya because they were the only ones old enough to military plan this.'' I finished as she nodded before then explaining her final reasons why.

''So that way I can see if Minato ever truly loved me or...he was just an unsuspecting pawn in that plan of theirs. I'll record that fight with a seal and my shadow clones WILL last a while since I have the Yang of Kyuubi in me. I also stole your father Yin of the Kyuubi. This is also how you survived Hinata's Tenseigan battle since she SHOULD have wiped the floor and killed you, my son.'' She explained only for me to try to cut her off but she smiled when I heard another voice calling to me.

''So kit, you're fighting against the gods? I'll help again since I copied Kushina's Six Paths Senjutsu when she put my Yin half in you when you first met her.'' The voice said only to reveal in my mind the Kyuubi. He sat there as he then explained his reasoning.

''God manipulated everyone and I HATE, no LOATHE manipulation with every fiber of my being. I am helping you because my Father the Sage of Six Paths has lost his way. He advocated understanding by Nishuu as if people had Chakra they would understand each other more and develop their individuality further but he BETRAYED THAT by siding with the gods. I don't care about that if someone told you to jump off a bridge I wouldn't cause it's retarded. You're here so that's why I won't help them. I am also working on combining your Dragon Form with my Chakra Mode to awaken your Fellborn state. Since we're working together right now my name is Kurama.'' Kyuubi or rather Kurama said now as I nodded and exited what Jinchuuriki like myself called their mindscape. Once done my mother nodded as I step onto the balcony as Celestine was waiting with the rest of them. I then kneeled in front of everyone as Celestine began her crowning speech.

''Dear Sir Naoto, you have prevailed in these dark times. You successfully stopped a six-hundred-year war and exposed the traitors of our rank. You also expose the conspiracy long made by the gods and that made it a promise to end it all. You did this without ever asking for something in return. You fought, cried, and bleed for this land in more ways than anyone ever could have survived. By my Supreme Authority as the Leader of The Holy Alliance and the Other Shield Maiden and also your actions against the seeping corruption, you ARE now the Supreme King of Eostia.'' Celestine said as she put the crown on my head. I could hear the cheers as everyone was rising their fist into the air in agreement. I slowly got up and Celestine handed me a sword. The sword was made of Pure diamond which reflected the millions of colors of an infinite rainbow in it. As I took the sword and tied its scabbard to my back Celestine explained the sword's abilities.

''This is The Mystearica Blade. This sword can prevent gods from interfering ever again making them no different than any mortals like us. The sword can seal them away forever but also act like the gavel of a judge when they inflict a sentence on a guilty party. With this, the Future of Eostia is in YOUr hands, my King. Now please give your people a speech before the war of tomorrow.'' Celestine said as I nodded and sheathed the sword. I then slowly walked to the edge of the Royal Balcony and took a deep breath. I had to inspire them and after what felt like a good ten seconds I began my speech to my people.

''People today is a glorious day. A six-hundred-year war has been stopped at the cost of starting another. I already hear you ask ''how?'' it started another one already. This is simple Kami herself had planned this. She had this perfect little script that made this six-hundred-year war last this long. She planned this land infertility rate to make Volt's and his dead conspirator's plan possible. She had this ''perfect'' little script for this land and the one where I came from but she forgot one important thing. Life never goes as planned and when it does you just get back up and keep walking forward. Unlike the previous ruler who didn't think corruption could seep this low, I WON'T lie to you all when dark times will be near. I WON'T lie when I'm forced to impose inhuman taxes on farmers and civilians. If I do this it's because the food from our civilians and farmers feeds our guards protecting you all. If they fall because they don't have the strength and resources to keep fighting then you will all fall. So keep in mind that I WILL never enjoy these things and this is why we're declaring war on heaven. For too long they forced people on a path where if they self-reflected they have killed or branded heretics. By reflecting on our actions we can grow as people as individuals and improve the generations to come. I won't lie when I say that WE WILL have casualties in this coming war. The reason why I'm this blunt to you all and seem cold is that I care about all of you and I am responsible for you all. You made me King and I am only here today because of your efforts. We WILL this war because we have something that they lack. We can keep improving while they peaked already. They stagnated because they never reflected one day and ask themselves; ''Hey what if I did that better with way fewer casualties?'' They don't think back on how they could have done better but...We Do and We WILL! Now my folks ONWARD TO VICTORY!'' I said as I raised my fist in the air. The people cheered as they did the same. Everyone began to prepare for this war in the upcoming hours and it became clear the final battle was near when a crack opened in the sky as people appeared on the ground and began marching towards our castle. I began to walk as everyone began to get ready. My mom made two shadow clones as she went with them for Minato, Jiraiya, and Hiruzen. Claudia went for Grave and Klaus. Alicia and Prim went for Beardsley. Olga and Chole went for Kin and the Mortadella Brothers. Maia went for Hicks. Kaguya went for Shamuhaza. Celestine went for Hinata. Randomira had finally created her body and went for Volt and the basic mooks. Elthara went to kill the undead. Ruu-Ruu went for Ashura(Naruto) and (Hashirama) body. And I went for the four Archangels and their mother Kami. This was going to change everything. The fate of the world and everyone in it.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroWhere stories live. Discover now