Chapter 1

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Naoto's POV:

It had been a week since I settled in Celestine's castle. Today was my test drive day to prove to the other Princess's that I was worthy of joining their ranks. Of course, Anxiety was present in my veins but I had to do it. And for I needed a game plan. As I began to think about it an idea struck me. I could challenge them to a mock battle and teach them the errors of their fighting styles. If I succeded in impressing them it would give me two purposes fulfilled. The first would be to identify flaws in their style and defense and that would help me see how they were formed. This would also indicate if their flawed formation was intentional or not. The second would be that their war veteran ''Grave Levantine'' would be here and if I explained my reasoning and he objected well it would prove the rat theory and it would be in front of all of them. After all, Celestine said that she would have Beardsley and Grave investigated regardless so if Grave was caught live her then it would pretty much guarantee my stay in their ranks. If I succeed then I would have to help them after their betrayal from what their ex allies did and if I'm wrong well...I'll cross that grim bridge when I get there. As I got dressed and put on my armor plates on my shoulders and torso. I then grabbed both of my short swords in their sheats and strapped them to my back. As I verified if I had everything in order a knock was heard on the door to my room.


''Excuse me, Sir Naoto. Lady Celestine asked for your presence during breakfast. She wants to talk about your plan before the others arrive while eating breakfast with you.'' A maid said from outside my door. I then answered her back.

''Thank you! I'll get there immediately.'' I said as I opened my door and the maid escorted me to the dining room. Surprisingly it was an outside one in a splendid garden with multiple fountains and patches of roses around. There was even a small walk path to take a stroll after having eaten to slowly digest. Overall it wasn't bad at all. As I approached the table Celestine was there waiting for me as I sat in front of her at the table. She then smiled at me before asking how I slept.

''Good morning Naoto. I trust that you slept well since today is your induction day.'' She said as I nodded to her. Shen then smiled warmly before asking me if I had any questions about the induction when I'll meet the others later today.

''Is there a way for me to use this as a way to prove my earlier points last week to expose the ''possible moles'' and do it in a believable public manner?'' I asked her. She then put her index on her chin as she seemed to think about it before asking me another question.

''Yes but I assume that you have a plan of some sort?'' She asked me as I nodded to her before explaining it.

''My plan would consist of introducing myself first so they can question your authority. I would then tell them about Volt's recruitment offer only to possibly expose the theory of moles. They would get angry and I would use it as a practice mock battle with wooded weapons to have them fight me all at once. By defeating them and explaining their flaws in their battle style and flaws and their choice of armor. With this, since I heard that Grave Levantine would also be present this would help question his decision to see if he is actually just a senile war veteran or it was calculated on his part. If it is calculated then you have one your moles discovered live and his reputation smeared and one of our enemies done for.'' I explained to her as she nodded. It was an effective plan and she seemed to agree as she gave me the okay for it. She then asked me the last question before breakfast arrived.

''I assumed that if it's in the town square it would be better right?'' She asked to which I nodded while explaining further.

''The more people can see his true nature if my assumptions are correct the better. It will spread to the other Princess Knights and they will have no choice but to believe this. Grave would also if discovered act rashly and violently in front of others further proving to them that I wasn't lying. We need all of us united right now and the less they think that there are no moles the better when Volt comes around.'' I explained as breakfast arrive. It was pancakes with maple syrup and milk. We dig in and it lasted a good thirty minutes before when then walked away to the walkway to continue this conversation before my mock initiation. As we walked Celestine began to ask me about myself.

The Tale of Naoto Uzumaki : Book I : A lost HeroWhere stories live. Discover now