Part 1

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Hi, I am Sasha. I have an elder sister Sabrina. My sister is married. I am still single. I am studying perfumery in Seoul. I am graduating in 3 months. I am eagerly waiting for my graduation.

Today is the day of my final year exams. The results of these exams decide my future. I challenged my parents that I would score high. If I score high, they can't ask me to get married. I can do my job as a perfumer and work for companies. 

The day of the final exam...

Sasha: *to myself* God... please make me score high in these exams. Please... Please save me and help me.

My best friend's name is Mina.

Mina: Sasha, don't panic. Don't get tensed. You will definitely score high. Let's go and give the exams. Fighting!

Sasha: Yes. Fighting!

Mina and I gave exams and went out for lunch and to an amusement park.

There's a lot of crowd in the amusement park and everyone is running and shouting Tae Tae Tae...

Sasha: Why is everyone running? where are they going?

Mina: I don't know. Let's ask someone.

Mina: *to an anonymous person* Excuse me, where is everyone going?

Anonymous person: You don't know? Kim Taehyung was spotted in this amusement park 10 mins ago. Everyone is going to see him. 

Mina: *to Sasha* Come... Let's go and see him.

Sasha: I am not interested in him. You go. I would better go and play there.

Mina: Okay. I am going. Don't regret it later.

Sasha: You go. I am not coming.

and Mina leaves...

I was walking in the amusement park. Surprisingly there's no one inside but me. Everyone went to see Kim Taehyung. 

After a while, I sat on a merry-go-round and waited for everyone so that someone would come and ON the merry-go-round.

I saw a man with a hoodie standing outside of the merry-go-round. I recognized him. It's Kim Taehyung.

Sasha: *in a loud voice to Kim Taehyung* So sad that you are afraid of the crowd. Many people are desperate to see you. You should go and greet him.

Kim Taehyung: I am not afraid.

Sasha: You are...

Kim Taehyung: I am not... 

Sasha: Then why are you hiding from everyone?

Kim Taehyung: You won't understand it.

Sasha: yaaah... Please go and tell them that you left or go and show up. I have been waiting for an hour here to enjoy the merry-go-round. See, no one is here to operate the machine.

Kim Taehyung: Yaa.... How disrespectful...

Sasha: What? I said what is happening here right now. Did you expect that I would comfort you? No way. You are no one to me.

Kim Taehyung: Yaaa...

Sasha: What?

Kim Taehyung: Why do you hate idols?

Sasha: I don't hate anyone. I just don't like work being delayed or someone betraying me. I came here with my friend to enjoy the park. Not to enjoy someone's presence in the park. You would understand me if you were a common man like me. Not an idol.

Kim Taehyung: Here, take these concert tickets. I have two. If you wish, you can come to see our concert.

Sasha: No thanks. I don't like K-pop.

Kim Taehyung: These are executive tickets. I am also writing your name on it "Sasha"

Sasha: Hey, how do you know my name?

Kim Taehyung: It's written on your id card.

Sasha: Oh... Yeah... Btw I don't want your ticket. take them.

Kim Taehyung takes them

And he leaves...

After a while...

Mina: No one saw Kim Taehyung, Sasha.

Sasha: So sad.

We both went to our homes without enjoying the park. Because still, many people were talking about Kim Taehyung and not enjoying the park. 

I went home.

After some days.....................

It's the day of my results...

I am so tense to see the results...

Mina came to me running

Mina: *shouting from afar* Sasha... Sasha... Sasha...

Sasha: I am so...

Mina: You got first...

Sasha: What... *Shouting*

Mina: Yes *happily*

Sasha: Yes.....

I checked my result and went home...

At home...

My mom and dad are packing things...

Sasha: *to mom* Mom..... I ranked first in the exams... Yay. Btw are we going somewhere?

Mom: Yes...

Sasha: Where?

Mom: Japan

Sasha: Wow. Let me pack my stuff.

Dad: You are not coming with us. You will stay here with your sister. Her husband is leaving for the US (My Sister's husband works in US. My sister recently gave birth to a baby. So she is at home with us)

Sasha: US? Why? Tell him to stay here. I am coming to Japan .. Please.

Mom: He already left, Sasha. You take care of your sister and her baby.

My mom and dad left for Japan

Sabrina: Sasha, please pass me the diaper...

Sasha: Diaper? Okay...

After 2 days... 

Sabrina: Sasha, we are moving to a place.

Sasha: A place? Where?

Sabrina: It's my friend's place.

Sasha: No way. I am not going anywhere. You go. I am not coming.

Sabrina: But, I need your help to take care of my baby.

Sasha: Okay. I will think about it...

Sabrina makes a call to someone and says " Okay, she said she will think about it. We will move soon after it ends.

Sasha: Who are you talking to? It ends? What's ending?

Sabrina: I was talking to my friend. After my friend's work is finished we will move to my friend's place.

Sasha: Okay.

Sabrina: Btw... Tomorrow we are going to a concert. Please come with me. After that, we will go to my friend's place.

Sasha: Okay...

Sabrina goes to feed her baby as her baby starts crying...

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