Greening or Dreaming?

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Blah blah blah don't do drugs. On with the story! 

CW: drug use (cannabis), bad high

I've often been curious what it's like to have a smoke sesh with Louis and Zayn. Sometimes our drummer tags along, too. Louis invites me basically every time they go, and I did tag along for a few but I didn't really get high. The most I did was take one hit from a joint the first time I joined them and then try a bong the second. The joint felt like maybe I had been chewing on charcoal for fun.  And the bong... it didn't go well. I'm not sure how, but I swallowed some water. Yuck.

This time when Louis invited me, I accepted, going in with the stoner mindset. I really wanted the full experience today.

Since it was mid December, we had decided to smoke in the car, but I wasn't keen on hotboxing. 

"Lou, I thought we were just going to smoke, not box?" I asked quietly, feeling slightly embarrassed about being nervous. 

"Oh, we're not boxing. It's really cold and it's easier to have a nice high when you're a comfortable temperature. We're going to keep the car running with the heater on, but open the windows probably about half way. Does that sound okay? I don't want you to be uncomfortable," Louis assured. 

I nodded, realizing that maybe this isn't as scary as it feels going into it. I mean, I'm good friends with Zayn and Louis is my boyfriend. Neither of them want anything bad to happen to me. And Liam is coming as our driver. The boys wanted to go somewhere more secluded, so Liam is driving us to a park on the edge of the woods that Zayn scoped out nearby. It's legal to smoke where we are, but management would explode us with their eyes if there were pictures in the media of us all smoking. Niall doesn't partake, and he has a date tonight, so he encouraged us to go. 

"Yeah, that sounds okay. I just wouldn't be comfortable with a hotbox, that's all." Louis smiled softly and grabbed our jackets. 

"You ready to go, then?" he asked, excitement creeping in around the edge of his words. I nodded as Louis handed me my jacket. 


"Here we are, lads! Get yourselves comfy, I'll grab the bags from the back," Zayn announced. He got out of the driver's seat and walked to the back of the car. Liam got out of the passenger's and walked to the driver's side. Zayn closed the boot after getting everything out. Liam pulled the driver's door closed and rolled down the window a bit. Zayn rather ungracefully slumped down into his new seat, throwing the door shut behind him. He half-heartedly chucked the big bag of snacks onto the seat between me and Lou. The second bag landed on the floor between our feet, full of blankets in case our legs got cold, I guess. The third bag was smaller, a backpack I'd seen come along on these outings many times. "Let's see what she has to offer today!" Zayn grinned before unzipping the main pocket. 

Even upon getting the bag open, the car was filled with the smell of weed. Strongly. It smells slightly different when is hasn't been smoked yet. Fresher, though that seems pretty obvious since it hasn't been burned. Zayn comically covers his eyes with one hand, reaching in with the other in a big gesture, making a show of whatever he was doing. He mixed his hand around gently before stopping. I realized, there hadn't been a set plan for the method in which we were smoking, and suddenly it clicked that this was Zayn deciding. He pulled out the beautiful light red and orange swirl glass bong, Louis cheering loudly.

"Wey-hey! It's Sunnie!" Louis exclaimed. Only a slight bit of dread bloomed in my stomach at the idea of a bong. This one was a different shape than the blue one I used before, so maybe it would be fine. "Alright, you got your usual strain, my boy?"

"But of course, Loueh. Ready, H?" Zayn turns to look at me. 

"Yeah, let's do this," I squeak out, feeling a bit overwhelmed still. 

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