Need a Little TLC

527 11 10

CW: description of anxiety attack, talk about period symptoms

au - larry has kids. they're retired from the band; this takes place over summer, so there's no school.

kami - 8 she/her
darcy - 16 she/they
max - 16 he/him
louis - papa/pops
harry - dad/daddy

whoa hey! i'm not dead, and i've finally updated!! life is great. this is low key written from personal experience... okay it's like all personal experience, except larry aren't my parents. and i don't have a twin. okay so it's more like Darcy's symptoms are modeled after my own... mmmmmmmkay, enjoy!! 

This week has just been hell for Darcy. Her anxiety has been through the roof, and her depression... lets just say the number of cups stacked next to her bed was looking pretty horrendous. But she knew it's just because her period was on the way, she's dealt with this shit long enough to know that, but it just sucks. The worst part was no one in the house actually understood. Harry and Louis always try their best to be patient and sympathetic, and Max would give Darce less of his bullshit, but its just not the same.

This time it's just really, really bad. She's had two anxiety attacks in the last 24 hours. Sure, they weren't the worst ones Darcy's had, but that doesn't make them any less awful. They can feel one brewing in the back of their mind, and the center of her chest, but it's time to sleep, and she's so tired, it comes easily.

She wakes drenched in sweat, their stomach completely knotted. Seconds pass slowly as they orient herself before realizing what's happening. The sun is barely up, but my uterus has decided to evacuate, apparently. As the hot flash subsided, the cramp twisted, bringing in nausea. She swung her legs to the side and got up to go change their pajamas, feeling the destruction already.

Upon standing, Darcy found that it was much worse than imagined. Blood starts running down her legs. Fully. Both sides. Stains begin to spread into the fabric on the inner seam of either pajama leg. Darcy grabbed a fresh pair, and dashed into the en suite.

Bloody fucking hell. That's all there is to say. Or maybe there was a lot of information to be said in this chapter. First of all, Darcy ended up on the toilet with period shits and cramps for way too long. Second, their pajamas are at the point of no return. But after all that, she found herself enjoying a nice warm shower. They got all clean before dressing in new pants and pajamas and climbing into bed.

Sleep didn't worm it's way back so fast. Her head was pounding. They were hot. Their stomach was killing them. She still felt slightly sick. But with all of that going on, it didn't seem worth it to go find some meds.

Apparently, she did manage to fall asleep at some point because the next thing she knew Darcy was waking up again, this time the sun high in the sky. The clock read 10:45 am. 

Dad will be up soon to make me eat before I "waste away," like he dramatically says every morning. He's so weird sometimes. Skipping breakfast or eating late is not going to kill me for Christ's sake. Just as the thought made it's way through Darcy's brain, there was a knock at the door. Speak of the devil. "Come in, dad."

"How did you know it was me?" Harry asked, creaking the door open. 

Darcy sighed, rolling over to look at her dad, noticing her little sister in the doorway. "You come get me up for breakfast every morning by 11 am at the latest. Good morning Kami," they added onto the end of their explanation. Kami beamed and waved, running off somewhere else in the house. Darcy supposed she had already been up for hours. 

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