Trying to Fly

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"Alexis are you absolutely certain I can't get you to go with me?" Jane asks as Alexis looks at the makeshift sail and then back at Jane while in wolf form.

"Jane I love you but I'm not getting on that death trap. I'll find my own way home. I'm sorry but there is no way I am getting on that thing." Alexis says as she flattens her ears and backs away a bit.

"Suit yourself then." Jane says as she looks at her notebook and checks stuff off her list.

"Hey girls. How come you want to go home so bad?" Oeter asks as he flies over to Jane.

"We have to get back to our family." Alexis says as Jane picks up her oars.

"Why?" Peter asks as he stands while smiling.

"Well um I don't want to talk about it." Jane says nervously.

"Why not?" Peter asks.

"If you must know we had a fight." Jane says sadly.

"Why?" Peter asks.

"Oh. I told my mother you weren't real." Jane says.

"What? Why?" Peter asks in shock.

"Well oh I don't know. But I have to get back and set things right. Even if my sister isn't coming home the way I will." Jane says as she looks at Alexis.

"Why?" Peter asks.

"Because! That's why!" Jane shouts annoyedly.

"Well you know you can't get home that way." Peter says.

"I agree with him Jane. That doesn't look very stable." Alexis says worriedly.

"I- I've got to try. Well... good-bye. It was nice meeting you Peter Pan. Duty calls." Jane says as she leaves off on her raft only for it to sink with her on it.

"Jane!" Alexis shouts as she jumps into the water and swims over to Jane before bringing her over to shore.

"I was certain I built it strong enough." Jane says as Alexis growls slightly annoyed.

"Next time I tell you something doesn't look safe do us both a favor and listen." Alexis says annoyedly as she looks at Jane.

"Sorry." Jane says as Alexis shakes off the water on her.

"You okay?" Peter asks concerndly.

"I just want to go home." Jane says sadly.

"We both do." Alexis says as she nuzzles Jane in attempt to comfort her.

"Well you know the only way out of here is to fly. Come on I'll show you how." Peter says as he grabs Alexis and Jane before taking off with them.


"How come you don't wanna try with her?" Nibs asks as Alexis is sitting with the Lost Boys while Jane is with Peter and Tinker Bell on a high rock.

"I'm not too keen on heights. If Jane can do it though I'll give it a shot after. I wanna worry about Jane before myself." Alexis says.

"How are you guys related anyway? Can she turn into a wolf too?" Cubby asks as Alexis shifts to wolf form and stands up.

"No. It's my ability alone. She's my adoptive sister and my responsibility to protect." Alexis says as she begins walking.

"Where are you going?" Slightly asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Just in case." Alexis says as she stands under the rock where Jane and Peter are.

"This is ridiculous. I can't fly!" Jane says worriedly as she looks over the edge and down at Alexis.

"Well of course you can't but I can! I guess I'm just smarter than you." Peter says as he pushes his hat over his eyes.

"I highly doubt that." Alexis says as she paces down below worriedly.

"Braver." Peter says confidently.

"Right." Jane says as she stifles back some laughter.

"Stronger!" Peter says as she shows off his muscles to Alexis causing her to blush slightly.

"Or just cockier." Alexis says as she laughs slightly.

"Well then it must be my good looks." Peter says confidently.

"Or maybe you're full of hot air." Jane says as Peter nearly falls.

"Hey!" Peter shouts as he smiles.

"Well it's definitely something." Alexis says as Peter looks at her.

"Hey Alexis you wanna give it a go first?" Peter says as Alexis gives a nervous look.

"Oh no! Not me. Besides I would much rather be on the ground where wolves belong at. And that way I can catch my sister if she falls." Alexis says.

"Oh Alexis please don't talk like that. You're making me even more nervous." Jane says nervously.

"Sorry but I can't help it. I'm just as nervous and worried." Alexis says concerndly.

"It'll be fine you two. Trust me." Peter says unworriedly as Alexis looks at him nervously.

"Well okay. If you say so." Alexis says as Peter then tries getting Jane to fly after Tinker Bell sprinkles pixie dust on her only for Jane to fall causing Alexis to barely catch her at the last minute.

"Oh how will I ever get back home?" Jane asks as her notebook is on her head.

"Hey what's this?" Peter asks as he takes Jane's notebook and begins looking through it.

"Oh give that back. It's my list! Things to do places to be. Important things!" Jane says as she tries to get her book back.

"Huh? That stuff's no fun. No wonder you can't fly." Peter says.

"Give it back Peter." Jane says sternly.

"Slightly catch! Keep away from Jane!" Peter says as the boys play keep away with the book while destroying it in the process.

"This is just a game to you isn't it? Well I'm tired of playing." Jane says angrily as she goes over to Peter.

"Gosh Jane. We didn't mean to make you mad?" Peter asks as he backs away from Jane as Alexis watches unsure of how to react.

"Oh grow up. You did so." Jane says angrily.

"Jane I understand you're mad but it was only a notebook. It's replaceable." Alexis says as Jane looks at her.

"No you don't understand why I'm so mad! You lost your parents and don't understand what it's like to have to sacrifice everything you have just to keep your family safe! You're as bad as my mother and little brother for these childish actions! You're just a bunch of silly ridiculous children!" Jane shouts as Alexis looks at her in shock before giving an angry look.

"Jane!" Alexis says sternly.

"No, no leave me alone! Oh I don't believe in any of this! And I especially don't believe in fairies! Good-bye!" Jane says angrily as Tinker Bell pulls on her hair before the boys gasp as Jane then walks off.

"Oh yeah? Well good riddance!" Peter shouts angrily.

"Alexis are you okay?" The twins ask as they see Alexis is still standing still.

"No.. just.. Leave me alone.." Alexis says as she runs off.

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