Going After the Boys

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"Tinker Bell! Tink! Tink!" Jane shouts as she and Alexis then find Tinker Bell motionless in a hole in the hollow tree.

"Tinker Bell." Alexis says sadly as Jane looks at Tinker Bell.

"It's true." Jane says sadly as she picks Tinker Bell up.

"She's gone." Alexis says sadly as Jane walks over to the bed.

"Oh. Oh no. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry." Jane says as she lays Tinker Bell on a pillow before beginning to cry as Alexis lays down in wolf form and closes her eyes sadly.

"Huh?" Alexis asks as she feels something a little later pulling on her fur and sees Tinker Bell.

"Tinker Bell?" Jane asks as Tinker Bell happily flies around kissing Jane's nose.

"You're okay. Hey! I'm glad to see you're okay too." Alexis says as Tinker Bell flies over to her and pets her nose.

"Oh this is wonderful! Wait until Peter..." Jane says as she stops herself upon remembering what happened.

"Oh no. The guys!" Alexis says fearfully.

"We have to go after them." Jane says.

"But how? We'll never catch up them fast enough on foot and besides they're in the water." Alexis says.

"Well Tink? Do you feel like giving it another shot?" Jane asks as Tinker Bell nods.

"Why do I get the feeling you're about to do something crazy?" Alexis asks worriedly.

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