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"The treasure is ours!" A pirate shouts as he and others come into the cave before tossing a tarp onto the Lost Boys.

"Oh! Hey! Let me go!" Peter shouts as ropes are tossed onto him.

"It's time for you to meet your maker Peter Pan!" Hook shouts as he comes into the cave while the pirates are trying to pull Peter out of the air.

"Stop it! Please!" Jane shouts as Hook looks at her.

"Sorry. No can do. And thank you milady. I couldn't have done it without you." Hook says.

"Jane?" Peter asks as he and Alexis look at Jane.

"Jane what have you done?" Alexis asks in shock.

"I never meant-" Jane then gets cut off by Hook.

"Oh my. Have we let the kitty out of the bag?" Hook asks.

"No wait! You said no one would get hurt. You gave your word!" Jane says as Peter gets locked in restraints.

"And you believed him!?" Alexis asks angrily while pirates grab the treasure chest.

"And Captain Hook is a man of his word. I promised I wouldn't harm a single hair on his head. And..." Hook says as he reaches toward Peter.

"Ow!" Peter says as Hook plucks a hair from his head.

"This is the one I won't harm! Here. You keep it. The rest of him is mine!" Hook says as he drops the strand of hair.

"I didn't do it Peter! I never agreed to this." Jane says sadly.

"You're a traitor Jane. You lied to me! And because you don't believe in fairies Tink's light is going out!" Peter shouts as he and the Lost Boys are loaded onto a small boat with the treasure.

"What?" Alexis asks in alarm.

"No. Peter I.. I'll save you Peter! We both will!" Jane shouts.

"My dear no one can save him now!" Hook shouts as he and his crew leave.

"Happy now?" Alexis asks angrily as she looks at Jane.

"I'm sorry." Jane says guiltily.

"Don't.. Sorry isn't going fix what you did and it's not going to help Tinker Bell." Alexis says angrily.

"Tinker Bell? Tinker Bell!" Jane shouts as she and Alexis run off.

Lost Girl Return To Neverland Peter X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now