62. Violet of a Familiar Shade*

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Morning came too quickly and the dragons recovered enough to venture into the woods to hunt. It was a short outing that yielded a small delk, one likely split from its migration group. It would be more accurate to say their companion dragon returned with half a small delk. The other half was missing, no doubt in his stomach.

"It's nice to see you waited to eat," Isandel said.

The dragon dropped the bloodied carcass to the freshly-fallen snow. "Unlike you, I do not leave my dragon form. Small meals will do me little good when I've nearly exhausted my energy stores." He sat. "Take what you will of the rest, I've eaten enough."

Vydel set up a fire while Dakkan stripped the meat from the carcass. Nyph watched as usual, her crystalline green eyes reflecting the light that bounced off the snow. Her quietness often made it difficult to remember she was among them.

Isandel transformed, looking glad to once again take his seryn form. He moved to Elery's side after weaving his clothes and took her hand. "Come with me."

She tilted her head but followed, weaving a path through the naked trees to a small area just out of sight of the others. "What is it?"

"I've felt something ominous since waking and I cannot tell if the others do as well but fail to acknowledge it, or whether they remain ignorant of its presence."

Elery shook her head. "I feel nothing."

"Then it is just beyond your perception..." He frowned. "I fear what is ahead, and I know it is ahead."

Hearing him express fear prompted her stomach muscles to clench. "Necrocasters?"

"If it is, it is the largest concentration of them I've felt so far. I feel as though marching to Andethayn is marching into a war we are not prepared to fight."

"But we've come this far! Our supplies would not allow us to turn back!" She brushed her hand through her hair to hold it out of her face. It hung limp and dull from lack of proper washing, riddled with snarls that hurt when her fingers caught in them. "We've no choice but to move forward."

"I know," he said. "I merely think you should be warned...we may march into a trap."

"When one cannot avoid a trap, the next best course of action is to spring it and deal with the consequences. Right now I would welcome combat. Perhaps I might find the one responsible for Cylphi and—"

"Do not think to throw your life away."

She quirked her lips. "I must wonder whether you're the best or worst person to give such advice."

"Fair enough," he sighed. "What I mean is, revenge has cost you this much. Would you continue to incur the debt of that endeavor? Indeed, would you add further cost by swearing new vengeance? Killing others will not bring her back. If it would, I would gladly slaughter all you set before me." He cupped her cheek. "You need no one to be your savior but I ask that, if you would allow it, treat me as your shield. Allow me to keep you safe, if only for the sake of finishing your task."

"It has never been in me to be protected. It is only as of late that I realize that, while I thinking myself independent, I have ever been under my parents care. They have kept one finger on my wrist, ready to snap me up in their grasp should true danger befall me. It sits as a sour taste on my tongue, not easily spat out or covered no matter what I eat. I know they were concerned for me, as you no doubt are, but I cannot live with myself knowing I was carried on the back of another. Even if it's you." She closed her eyes and tilted her head into his hand. "Especially if it's you."

He sighed and leaned forward to let his forehead rest to hers. "Foolish pride...it will get you killed." His hand stroked gently over her cheek. "If I must step in and save you, I will. Resent me if you must, but I won't sit by and watch you die for the sake of your dignity. Not after making the choice to live for you and your people. One can live with damaged dignity, after all."

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