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Navigated to Genuine ~ [Idol x Gen. Neutral Reader] | Cold Cages of Love (Male Yandere Oneshots) *Requests are currently closed*
Cold Cages of Love (Male Yandere Oneshots) *Requests are currently closed*

Genuine ~ [Idol x Gen. Neutral Reader]
<>Genuine ~ [Idol x Gen. Neutral Reader]

Requested by: Christmas! This one's for you!!
Warnings: Cursing, not a whole lot of yandere-ness (he's still yandere tho) but I just wanted to give y'all a break from all the other crazy bois you all love :)
And if it's not a bother please read the author's note at the bottom!

        The crowd cheered with roars and encores and you winced from the intensity of the sound. It felt like the whole stage beneath your feet was vibrating and shaking.

        "(Y/n)! We need some help!"

      One of the other stagehands called out to you and you hurriedly dashed over to them. Fans were still screaming as the men on stage sang love songs and heartfelt sonnets towards them. You heard everything from backstage and it would seem like a privilege to hear Chaotic Halos' songs being sung live. But you lost all butterflies and awe after the first three concerts. Now it got boring hearing the lyrics over and over again. Well, except for a few personal favorites that they rarely sang.

        "Thank you all for coming out again!" You heard one of the singers say into the microphone as screaming fangirls screamed even louder. You flinched and continued to help the lighting team until your attention was needed elsewhere.

        "(Y/n)! We need to get more water bottles!" One of your bosses called out.

        "On it!" You raced into the back rooms and managed to find a box full of water bottles. You didn't know exactly how many were needed so you just picked up the entire thing and zoomed back to the main area.

        "(Y/n)!" Your boss, Stacy, came up to you. "Quick, give these bottles to the band members, ASAP!" Without any further instructions she shoved you towards the stage entrance. You set the box down and quickly grabbed the water bottles.

        You've never interacted with the members of Chaotic Halo. Yes, you've seen their pretty faces and ran errands for them, but most of the time you were a mad cheetah running everywhere and too busy to be like some of the other stage hands who ogle at them all the time.

        "Whew! That was a nightmare!" One of the band members, Leon, frolicked backstage where you were waiting with the water bottles. You knew that they were probably going for a quick costume change now.

        "Thanks, sweetcheeks," Leon said before going off and gulping down the water. Another singer, Bora, called out to him.

        "For heavens' sake, Leon, take a breather!"


        You handed water to Bora and two other members, Chul and Kai, came also and took water bottles while giving meager thanks before hurrying backstage. The last band member, the so-called "bad boy" of the group, was Zane Kim. In your opinion he was the prettiest of the group and not just because of the aesthetic.

        You gave him the remaining bottle of water and he murmured a 'thanks'. Instead of going off with his bandmates however, he stayed there, draining the bottle as you stood there and watched. He was nearly done with the bottle when you finally spoke up.

        "Um, sir, I think you need to hurry to wardrobe."

        He stopped drinking and instead looked at you dead in the eye. His pretty almond eyes gazed into yours with an intensity that could put Batman to shame. You only lasted two seconds in the staring contest before looking away. But he still stared at you. Feeling uncomfortable, you backed away slightly.

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