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The music was loud and people were cheering loud to the DJ.

We found ourselves a corner table and settled in. "Wait! before I take my seat, I'll get the first round!" Hana announces and heads to the bar to get the shots we had decided on the way to the club.

"I'm still not getting over your outfit." Sarah looked at me, "I mean we have been out many times but this-" she moves her hands gesturing to my outfit, "this is new and I'm curious" she spoke.

"Are you telling me that I don't normally have style?" I fake a gasp.

"I just found it in my closet. Call it a Pinterest inspiration?" I shrug.

"We all agree that you look absolutely gorgeous," Cathy says, I smile in response.

"And maybe, who knows at the end of the night a date?" Sarah giggles which make Ari roll her eyes.

"Clubs are never the places to find good dates" she spoke, shaking her head. I mean, she did have a point there. The alcohol and the ecstasy that fills the air would make anyone look desirable.

Which was my whole idea for myself tonight.

"I agree but there's no harm in being open to it" Sarah says and looks at me, "I hope you find someone cool tonight" I smile and nod.

I hope so too.

Hana came back with two trays of shot glasses and set them on the table.

"Right! Take your shot glasses ladies!" Hana says as she picks up one of the glasses. All of us take a glass each and raises it with Hana, "Here's to a fun night of new and unforgettable experiences!" she announces and we cheer to it and take our shot.

The familiar initial burn subsides when we proceed to take the next shot.

And the next shot

And another shot.

"It's been a while since I've had tequila" I say as I set my shot glass down.

"Yeah, same here" Cathy spoke with a little cough.

I turn to scan the club to see what I should do next. Sitting here at the table wasn't going to test my fate. I watched as people danced to the beats of the songs played by the DJ.

I turn back to the girls and look at each one of them, "Why don't we go and dance on the dance floor?" I suggest.

I didn't waste more time, I got up and made my way to the dance floor.

Sarah followed right behind me and when we finally found a spot we let our bodies move to the rhythm of the beats blasting loud through the multiple speakers in the club.

By the time the DJ played the next song, Hana joined us.

I excused myself once or twice to get myself a drink at the bar counter. The tequila shots were wearing off and I had to have more alcohol in me to dance like no one was there and maybe look at someone and make a move.

There's no way I would it sober.

I'd run right out the club door.

The second time at the bar counter, I found myself on one of the stools to sit on. My feet were killing me. I probably should have stuck to my high-top Vans than these heels.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked as he wiped his hand on the little towel that hung from the side pocket of his jeans.

"Your best whiskey. Neat." I say, he nodded and turned to prepare that.

I turned around on the stool to check out the dance floor and found the girls dancing. Ari was still at the table, busy on her phone.

Ari didn't like clubbing much. She enjoyed spending time with us and that was the only reason why she would come out on evenings like this. Plus, we definitely need someone sober in the group.

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