f o u r

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Saturdays and Sundays were the only days where I would have to take the extra effort to make my own breakfast because on weekends Kai wants to sleep in. He only reports to work for the evening shift.

He's lucky that the owners love him.

Tieing up my hair into a quick and messy bun, I made my way to the kitchen and set my mug at my coffee machine, and popped in a pod. I leaned against my small kitchen counter, waiting for my morning coffee.

Once my coffee was ready, I set my mug on the two-seater table by the window in my dining space. I unlocked my phone and opened Instagram to scroll through the feed as I enjoyed my morning coffee.

After liking a few posts, I stopped at a familiar picture. It wasn't that old, probably the fourth semester in college. It was a group picture taken during finals week and that was the last time Kai was part of the study group.

I still remember that week, even if he decided to quit pursuing his degree...he still prepared for the exam and attended them.

Tapping twice on the picture, I tapped on the save to save the post. I kept my phone aside and went to prepare my breakfast. A simple oatmeal with caramelised bananas, toasted walnuts, and a drizzle of Kai's homemade peanut butter.

Keeping an eye on the time, I sat on my couch and put on FRIENDS from where I stopped. As I enjoyed my breakfast and laughed along with Joey Tribiani, a notification popped on the side of the screen

Penelope McCain just posted
Officially engaged!

Another schoolmate engaged. Great.

I dressed up in my light denim and a casual shirt, a hang in hand, and left my apartment for Kai's place to pick up the cupcakes he baked.

I parked my car in the spot I found near his building and made my way to his place. It was only half past eleven in the morning and even though he knows I will be coming by to pick up the cupcakes, there is a high chance that he would be still sleeping.

Climbing four flights of stairs, I finally stopped in front of the door and rang the doorbell twice indicating that it was me. I patiently waited but there was no response...so I rang the bell again...and again

And before I pressed the bell again, the door opened to a very annoyed Kai, shirtless and just in his sweatpants.

"Morning!" I greet him with a big smile. He rolled his eyes and stepped aside to let me in.

"Don't worry, I won't disturb your sleep for long. I'll just take the cupcakes and get out of your cave." I say as I walk to his kitchen and open his refrigerator. I know he would keep it ready for me to grab and go. I take it out and set it on the countertop.

I turned the refrigerator again hoping to find a single cupcake for me to try...Kai knows that I would like to try. Before I could ask about it, I felt him stand behind me and reach for a single box on the shelf above me. I turned around and he handed it to me.

I looked at the box and then at him.

"I need to get back to bed." he looked at me and stepped back and turned to the stairs, "Close the door when you leave" he spoke as he walked to the stairs. Rolling my eyes, I grab the dozen cupcakes along with mine and leave the loft.

I sat in the car, keeping the cupcake box in the passenger seat, and opened the one with the single cupcake. I looked at the cupcake first and then took a bite.

Lemon and Blueberries.

The flavour burst was like a refreshing summer day.

With a smile on my face, I start and drove towards my parents' place.

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