Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

It was feeding time for the babies and they decided to do an assembly line while Amaya pumped. I'm Jasmine, Isaac, Guinevere (Isaiah's mom), Bernadette (Amaya's mom), Isaiah and George were doing the feeding and burping. They all began to feed the babies and Amaya pumped while she ate. Assembly lines would be the way they do everything around here since there were six babies.

The babies finish up their bottles while Amaya finishes pumping. She writes the date on the plastic and stores the milk into the bag before placing it in the freezer amongst the other ones. They then all sat the babies upright and began to burp them. Amaya watches on.

"Dad oh." Amaya says watching Zachariah spit up on him. She laughs along with Bernadette laughing at her husband as she burped Athaliah and she spit up a little bit earning a laugh from everyone.

"It's a spit up bath." Isaiah laughs holding a burped and sleeping Delilah.

"Speaking of baths they'll need one." Amaya mentions and Guinevere shakes her head.

"I need to see how you guys do it," she laughed holding Solomon up and placing him into his bassinet to continue sleeping.

Amaya ran some warm water in the kitchen sink as she held Enoch in her arms. She placed him into the water gently and drizzled the warm water on him. She gave him a bath while Jasmine changed Lydia. Enoch had his bath and she passed him to Isaiah while Jasmine passed Lydia to her and she picked up Solomon.

"Talk about a beautiful assembly line." Jasmine complimented and everyone laughed as they carried on bathing the babies. It was everyone's time to leave and now, they're going to do this for the first time by themselves.

They slept in the living room with the babies and a baby cry woke Amaya up. That baby's cry made another baby cry and another. They were stuck with six crying babies all at once. Four just needed a diaper change whilst two more needed their pacifiers to be placed back into their mouths.

"Okay. Solomon. All done." She chirps happily and gives him a kiss on his cheek. "Okay, Athaliah. You're next baby." She whispers as she changes Athaliah and Isaiah puts Solomon down and reswaddled him. After they were done, relieved they flop back down on the couch and drifted off to sleep in less than ten minutes.

They woke up a total of four times last night and they were all feeling sleep deprived. Even the babies. Amaya swaddled all of them and put them on the couch next to her in their pillows and gave them their pacifiers in hopes, they'll drift off to sleep. Amaya woke up what seemed like hours later.

"You guys looked really cute. I took a photo." He says walking over and showing her the photo he took and she smiled softly.

"What are we gonna have for breakfast?" Amaya asked as she begins to steadily get up off the couch.

"My mom is going to bring us something and she cleaned the house entirely early this morning." He says and Amaya looks around realizing the house was clean. It should only get easier as they grow.

"Aw. I can't thank her enough." Amaya says wiping her eyes and placing her head in her hands as she stretched.

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