Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Amaya happily showed Isaiah the pictures they took of the babies and he was really overjoyed to see them. He then knits his eyebrows together before chuckling. "Why did they take so many photos?" He says and Amaya bites her bottom lip as he playfully went through the photos quickly.

"I have to tell you something.. There are two more babies. They found another two heartbeats." She says and she watches as his widens his eyes before he starts smiling again.

"Stop playing with me." He laughs and she shakes her head before shutting her eyes. She placed a hand on her bump and puts her head back.

"I'm not. It's not quadruplets. It's sextuplets." She announces and he starts hugging her with tears falling down his face.

"I can't believe this." He says happily. He stares at his wife amazed that she was carrying six babies inside her. She still moved around as much as she could, but not too much.

"I've been so emotional during this entire thing. This is one of the things I wanted to accomplish most." She admits and he hugs her again before they separate completely.

"Can you get me something?" She asked him putting the picture into the envelope they gave her and placing it near her heart.

"What?" He asked her sitting up a bit and wiping tears away from his own eyes. This was unreal.

"I want some strawberry and cookie dough ice-cream from the freezer." She says with puppy dog eyes "and you know they'll probably put me on bed rest pretty soon." She reminds him as he stands up from the couch.

"Both? And yeah I know. You'll have to be. Right?" He asked a little confused and she nods.

"Yeah, just put about a couple spoonfuls and yes. More than likely. Especially if I want to carry them as long as I can." He bobs his head and purses his lips before getting what she asked for. He had thoughts running through his mind like if he would be a good father and how would they be able to do this.

"In the same bowl right?" He asked and she once again nods her head grabbing her phone off the table and opening it.

"Yes, I said just to put some." She says a little bit annoyed at the fact that she had to keep saying that to him.

"I get it." He says pulling open the freezer and taking the pints of ice cream out and doing as told. Amaya sighed as she waited on her ice-cream. Thinking how were they going to manage all six babies. She sighed loud enough that Isaiah heard. Amaya heard the freezer close shut.

"Here you go." Isaiah says handing her the bowl of ice-cream. Amaya shakes the bad thoughts and smiles at her husband.


Later that night, Amaya was telling her mother and father the great news and had Isaiah did the same. They were beyond excited to continue on this journey with them.

"You got names?" Isaiah asked Amaya as he sat up in the bed. Amaya looks up at him and fixes her pillow.

"Already got them. I just want to know if you like them." She says and Isaiah shakes his head.

Amaya did find out she was having the best of both worlds. She was going to be a boy mom and a girl mom. She was having three boys and three girls. The girls were babies A, B & C and the boys were D, E & F.

"That was fast." He says a little surprised, but happy because he's bad at names. Well, he thinks he is.

"Let me hear these names." He smiles as he awaits his wife to suggest the names of the babies.

"For our boys I've decided on bible names. Is that okay?" Isaiah shakes his head

"Of course. Yeah. Go on." He encourages and Amaya gets really happy that he agreed and she pulls the notepad from the dresser drawer and flips to a page.

"For the boys I'm thinking of Solomon, Zachariah & Enoch, maybe?" She suggests and he nods waiting on the other three, "and for baby girls, Athaliah, Delilah & Lydia." She says and he seems as if he's thinking on it before he shuts his eyes.

"I love those names, Amaya. All of them. They are beautiful and all from the Bible." He compliments and Amaya shakes her head.

"Yeah I was praying and reading for them these past weeks and came across all those and I was in love." She whispered and he placed a kiss on her lips and forehead.

"Just need middle names." He says and Amaya agrees as and he leans over and kiss his lips as he place his hands on my stomach.

"Solomon, Zachariah, Enoch, Athaliah, Delilah & Lydia. You all have daddy's heart already." He says placing kisses all over Amaya's stomach and she laughs.

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