
726 23 11


Deadnaming (one time)
Panick attack
Mention of dead people
Suicidal thoughts

•George pov•

Ranboo and I changed is some clothes, I was wearing his clothes again 'I really need to go home soon to get some clothes' I thought.

"George what are you thinking about?" Ranboo asked me "That I need to go home soon to get clothes." I said and he nodded "Yeah that's a good idea. We can do that probably when we go home." "Okay, thank you" I said with a smile "it's no problem it's probably better if you get some of your own clothes since my clothes are to big for you" he said chuckling.

•time skip•

Ranboo and I knocked on Dream's door and he opened the door. "Hi guys!" He said with a smile. "Hi!" We both said and he let us in and saw that Sapnap and Karl already were sitting on the couch.

Some minutes later the doorbell rang again and Dream did the door open and it was Aimsey with someone I don't know.

"Hi!" They both said and Aimsey introduce the other girl that she was Aimsey's girlfriend. Then the doorbell rang again and Skeppy and Bad came in the livingroom.

"We should play truth or dare!" Dream said and everyone agreed so Dream said "I start! George truth or dare?" I thought for some time and choose truth. "What are your pronouns and sexuality?" "He/him and bisexual probably." I said nervously "Okay!"

I now needed to ask someone and I choose Ranboo "Ranboo truth or dare" he thought and said truth "Do you have a hidden talent?" I asked and he nodded "I guess people don't know that I draw much and some people that have seen my drawings said there really good but I don't think they are." He said "let us show!" Dream said and he grabbed his phone and show us a drawing. It's really good! "That's fucking good!"

We played truth or dare for some more rounds and then Aimsey had a dare that I needed to sit on the person's lap that's the most attractive is in this room. I went to Dream and looked at him in the eyes of it was okay and he nodded so I sat on his lap.

Then someone called me... I looked at the number but didn't knew the number "uhm is it okay if I pick this up in the bathroom or something?" I asked "yeah the bathroom is in the hallway on the left." I quickly said 'thanks' and went to the bathroom and picked up the phone...

"Hello is it right that I'm speaking with Georgia Henry Davidson?" They asked me "Yeah but please call me George." I said bc I didn't want to get deadnamed "Okay, I'm from the police and wanted to ask you some questions about your parents dead." They said "uhm okay"

"So can you explain what happened yesterday, you can trust me I can't tell anyone if you don't want to." They said to me and I started telling all about what happened yesterday evening...

"Okay, I'm really sorry about all that has happened. We found the person that caused the accident, she was drunk and will be going to court and the judge will be giving her a sentence. I have one last question, do you have a place to stay? If so do they know what happened?" They asked me kindly "o-okay, yeah but they don't know what happened I j-just can't tell them yet." I replied "that's okay can I have their names so I can contact them but I won't tell what happened. I also will be calling them tomorrow so you can tell them a bit if you're ready." They said to me in a comforting way "okay, thanks"
And they stopped calling.

I started thinking really much
'Why can't I be normal?'
'It's all your fault'
'You should die'
'If you didn't told them they were still here'

Then I looked in the mirror.
'You faggot'
'You're too fat to be on this world'
'Go kys or something'

•Dream's pov•

George was in the bathroom for a long time "I'm going to check on George really quick." I said and walked to the bathroom, that was locked. I was knocking on the door but George didn't replied. "George I'm coming in." I said and waited a few seconds and again no reply...

I started to get worried

"George awnser please" again no awnser after a few seconds.
"George I'm going to kick the door" still no awnser
"George please" again no awnser...

"George stay calm im going to kick the door in." I learned from a friend of mine some time ago how to do it for when my parents locked me in my room.

Then the door flew open and I saw George panicking on the floor looking at the mirror. "George, it's Dream. is it okay if I hold your hand?" I asked slowly and he nodded so I grabbed his hands.

"Is it okay if I'm going to hug you? So you can hear my breathing." I asked carefully and he slowly nodded still panicking much. I sat next to him and he laid his head on my chest. "George, focus on my breathing and breath with me." I said slowly "one.... Two.... Three...." He started to calm down a bit "Good job George, keep focusing on my breathing. In... and out..."

We sat there for some time till he calmed down. "George are you okay?" I asked him with a soft tone in my voice. "Y-yeah, sorry." He stuttered still sobbing a bit. "George, don't apologize. You don't have to tell but what caused that you had 'it'?" I asked him "I-I can't t-tell, sorry" he said as he looked away. "That's okay don't apologize. Do you want to stay here on the floor go back to the others or wanna go to my room?" I asked him because I wanted him to feel safe right now. "Uhm, maybe room room if that's okay?" He carefully asked.

We went to my room and he laid on my bed "are you tired?" I asked him because he looked really tired. "Mhm" he nodded and started to fall asleep "c-can you come lay with me?" He asked me in a sleepy voice. "Yeah, let me text the others real quick that we're in my room" I said and texted in the group app that me and George where in my room if they needed anything.

I got also in bed and cuddled up to George.


Hi guys! How's everyone doing?

Word count: 1100

Please tell me if I spelled something wrong!

Trust -dnf- ~trans George~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora