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Alcohol (for cleaning stuff not for drinking)

George pov:

•time skip•
After school

I was waiting outside for ranboo and I saw him walking with Tubbo Tommy and Wilbur. "Hi" Ranboo said. "Hi"I said "HI GOGY" tommy said and tubbo and Wilbur said both "hey"

Then the bus came.
And we got in the bus

"Gogyy" tommy said "tommy" "what is your discord?" "It's georgenotfound#...." "Okay I added you!!" I accepted his friends request.

Then the bus stops

"We need to get out the bus here" Ranboo said "ok" and we walked out of the bus

We talked and walked to his home.

"We're here!" Ranboo said as he opened the door and we walked inside. There was a man with blond hair and said "hey Tommy Wilbur Ranboo tubbo and a new friend?" "Yes dad he's a new friend his name is George" "hello sir" "hi George you don't have to call me sir my name is philza but you can call me phil and I'm the dad of Tommy Wilbur and Ranboo!" "Okay"

"George and I are going to my room" Ranboo said "okay!" Phil answered and Ranboo and I walked upstairs and to his room

His room was really nice there also was a trans flag on the wall. "This is really nice room!!" I said "thanks!" Ranboo answered.

"You can sit on my bed!" Ranboo said "okay" and I go sit on his bed and he walked to his closet and looked inside it and grabbed a bag with some stuff in it and also goes sit on the bed

"Here is some transtape you can try which one is better I don't use it anymore since I had a top surgery I don't know if you know much about how it works" "uhm I have seen some things so I think I can figure it out!!" "If you need help just say it! You can put it on here or in the bathroom I don't mind!" "can I maybe put it on in the bathroom" "yeah ofc!! It's in the end of the hallway" and I walked out of the room to the bathroom.

I grabbed some trans tape and put my shirt off and Ranboo his sport bra and then I tried to put the trans tape on.

"Ranboo?" I asked because I didn't really knew how to do it. "Yeah." He replied "Uhm how does this like work you need to cover your nippel first right?" "Yeah but first wash it good with alcohol then it will stick better." "Okay."

I washed my chest and then cut the trans tape so that I got two squares and maked it more like a circle.

"Uhm for the nippel covers you need to use toilet paper that's better for your nippel" Ranboo said "okay." I answered

Then I grabbed some toilet paper and maked two smaller circle's with that. Then I grabbed the trans tape circle/squares and pealed the back of it off and placed the toilet paper circle's on it. And I placed it on my nippel.

I also did that with the other now I wasn't sure what to do 'I can ask Ranboo if he can help but he will see my chest but it's better if I ask him'

"George? Do you need help?" Ranboo asked "uhm maybe I don't know what to do now" I said a bit ambarrassed. "Okay can you open the door maybe?" I slowly opened the door and he came in.

"Ok now you need to grab the tape on the bag you have lines and I think if you cut it at three it can work because you have a smaller chest" Ranboo said "okay" and I cut two pieces of trans tape at line three.

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