I need of break out of this facade

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The people around me begin to blur
I want to tell the world I'm not okay
My breath becomes broken and difficult, I can't keep up I'm an amateur
The air around me isn't enough, it's running away
It hitches and accelerates as my heart beats faster and faster, my head gets light and I start to sway
The pit in my stomach travels to my brain and my heart and my throat
I'm scared and frustrated with these expectations and my purpose and this messed up world of today
I quiet my breathing to not alarm others but I want to scream and finally emote
More than anything I want to shout and yell
Instead I retreat back into this facade where I excel
I travel to a far away place because reality is filling me little by little with fear and sadness
While I wipe away a tear before anybody sees how much its getting to me, all of this madness

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