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The wifi left for two days. TWO DAYS. Because some people were digging and hit a cable. (They were digging for construction purposes, they weren't just digging, but still. Boo.) Exactly the days I actually had time for writing this shit. Of course I couldn't write on paper because I needed to rewatch an episode for info that my dumbass brain forgot about, so I ended up not being able to write.

So here I am, writing a chapter on the day I promised it'd come out before, even though I have a Latin test next week that I really shouldn't fail. But hey, I have more motivation for this anyway.

I'm working super hard on the chapter after this. I was originally planning on making it one chapter, but it turned out to be pretty long and I didn't want to keep you waiting. Hopefully the next chapter will be today as well.

For now, here's this :)

Jay's POV

"We're going in circles."

"Yes, we're going in circles. Remember the spiral strategy that was your idea?"

"No, yeah, but we're not walking in a spiral. We're just walking in circles. I've seen this tree at least three times before."

"All the trees look the same, Melissa."

"No, this one has a mark. We've already been past it trice."

"You could've said that the first time instead of wasting everyone's time!"

"You're the one that wasted our time sending us to the middle!"

"You're the one that's wasting our time right now. We could've been home ages ago."

"You could've just let me go alone."

"You should've listened to me."

"You should've let go of me for once and let me make my own decisions!"

This has been going on for so long that it's honestly just white noise to me now. Sometimes they're actually quiet for a while, but after a little bit, one of them will find something to complain about again. It would be funny if it didn't suck. We've already been attacked several times, probably because the forest hears their bickering, and yet they're not stopping. I'm exhausted, and I can see that they are, too, but they don't seem to be willing to admit it.

I'm starting to doubt that the Traveler's Tree is even here, to be honest. Of course, we were never really sure, but at one point we all just kind of accepted it as a fact? When we reached the middle and it wasn't there, all of us, even Melissa, were taken aback.

" we even know what the stupid tree looks like?" That's Jacob's voice.

"Well, not the tree, exactly. I know what the leaves look like." I say. "I'll know it when I see it. I haven't seen anything alike anywhere, I can tell you that much."

"Right." He sounds skeptical, but I ignore it.


"We have to stop walking." I finally say. All of us are exhausted - even Twinkle - and I'd thought one of the others would say it at some point, but everything is rivalry with these two now, apparently. I don't really understand, but it looks like they were in a battle of 'who can keep this up the longest'. How are both the father and the daughter this childish? "It's getting dark anyway."

We, at long last, put down our stuff and rest ourselves against a tree. Of course, we've taken a few quick eating breaks, but keeping this up any longer could've killed us dead, figuratively speaking.

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