Chapter 8 because my brain just can't think of titles okay????

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Still Melissa's POV

Don't eat if you can help it. Don't sleep if you can help it. Don't pee or poo if you can help it. Go on and on until you have to. Just some basic rules for when I'll have been here for a while.

I realize now that I made an impulse decision and I sort of regret it, but a part of me is relieved. I have no concrete plan to get to the tree - if the Traveler's Tree even exists in this forest - and I can't go back anymore either. I have no idea which direction I came from. My mistake for going in here while it was pitch black outside, but it means I don't have to go back. I'm gonna have to when I have the tea, for Jay, but that's a problem for later. Finding the tree is already a task my dad warned me I would never survive, so I guess I have other things to worry about.

It's finally not as dark anymore, the sun is going up. I can actually see where I'm going for once. It's still the more innocent part of the woods - the part that's not very dangerous, the part where you don't have anything serious to watch out for. But according to my father, there's gonna come drastic change to that. 

Oh well, anything better than the rest of my life in that hellhole they call the village.

Jay's POV

I wake up. I sit myself up - I have mastered the art of sitting up without using my legs - and notice Melissa isn't sleeping on the floor where she usually is. My first conclusion is that I woke up late, but Jacob's still here, and he's usually gone by the time I wake up. So where's Mel?

Jacob wakes up pretty quickly and notices as well; "Did you see Melissa leave?"

I shrug. "No." I say. I can sort of speak again, though my voice still hasn't lost its raspy edge. It hurts a little, but you have to focus on the positives: It sounds pretty hot.

"Oh." Jacob says in a voice that reveals his worry. I know Melissa pretty well now - she's been the only person I've had actual conversations with since I got here - and I'm honestly worried as well. Melissa loves sleeping in, so it's already unusual. And then all the fights she's been having with her father - ones I partially take blame for, since they're about the Traveler's Tree - and how she acts on emotion rather than logic; She very well could've run away. I really hope otherwise, because I might not know the dangers of these forests, but if three out of five people died the last time they went deep into them, I think worry really is in place at the moment. 

"Do you know where she might've gone?" I ask, coughing afterwards. Stupid tickle in the back of my throat.

"We'll look around the village." He says, but his eyes tell me he already fears the worst. 

I hope he's wrong.


It doesn't take long for Jacob to know for sure his daughter isn't in the village anymore. Nobody has seen her all day. She's nowhere to be found.

I can't help but feel useless. I'm supposed to help people, save people, protect people, but here I am, bedridden like I have been for what, three weeks now?

I need to get doing something. I can't just stay here forever. Even if I'm not making it back to Ninjago City, - shit, don't think that - that doesn't mean I can stay in this bed for the rest of my fucking life. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but I know I need to do something.

I'm gonna be spending the whole damn day trying to move my legs, because I need to get walking. I'm not helping anyone, staying like this. 

But my legs feel so darned heavy, it's not like I can do anything about this, can I? 

How I wish I could send a message to my friends, tell them I'm okay and where I am. They'd come pick me up and everything would be okay. The truth is, though, I don't even know where I am, really. But they'd find me. If they'd look for me, they'd find me. But they're not looking for me, so I have to look for them.

Hey, guys, I'm still out here. I'm trying to make my way to you. If I don't, I love you all.

Mom, dad, I love you for taking me in and for everything you've taught me. I know I haven't always been the perfect son and I wish I'd done more to express how much I love you.

Cole. My best friend. I don't even know what to say. Can you imagine we fought over a girl? Follow-up, I'm gay. I don't know what it was I felt for Nya. I know I cared for you more, though. Fighting with you hurt and I'm glad we resolved whatever that was. I love you.

Zane, you weirdo. Did I ever tell you you're hilarious? And smart, and cool. You're one of my closest and dearest friends. You're amazing. I love you.

Lloyd. Damn. I wish there were words to describe the shit you've been through, kid. I can't imagine what some things feel like for you. I hope you've found your peace within yourself. I've never really asked, have I? I'm sorry. I love you.

And there's so many people I love. I'm already crying at the fact I might never see any of them again. But then Kai.

Hey, Kai. I hate this. I hate the world for doing this. They say everything happens for a reason, but I don't see the reason behind this. And I know you feel the exact same way. If I don't ever see you again, I want you to know I'll always love you, deep in my heart. You'll be right there, as corny as it sounds.

Look at me, I'm pathetic. Crying, incapable of moving my legs. This moment was the first time I fully realized I might never see any of the people I love again. What do I do if that happens? I need them to know everything I just thought to myself. But I can't tell them that. What the fuck, man? I need them. If this had to happen, couldn't the universe have let us know or something? A little heads-up, Jay, you're never gonna see any of the people you care about again after tomorrow, so you better say your goodbyes.

I'm the one always focusing on the positives, but there's not much positive to focus on, is there?

Word count - 1127


I know it's not that much but I'm just a sad kiddo on the internet let me have this moment ~

You probably know the drill by now. Suggestions, questions, corrections.


ps sorry for this bullshit chapter, there'll be more plot in the next one i promise

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