Chapter 5 because I STILL SUCK AT TITLES

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Lloyd's POV

So after Kai's first therapy session, the therapist warned me that Kai's at serious risk of harming himself and that I should keep an eye on him. I asked why he thought so, and he quoted some things Kai apparently said; 'I wish it would all just be over. I'd rather die than feel this pain anymore.' and 'I love my best friend, but if he's all I have left, it's not worth it anymore. Fuck, I hate myself.'.

When he told me this, I had to try my hardest not to break down in tears. I knew Kai wasn't okay, but he wouldn't want to kill himself, would he?

Apparently, he would. He was really dependent on Jay. In an unhealthy manner. He really led himself to believe he had nothing else.

At least I'm still here. I'm gonna try my hardest to make sure Kai's gonna be okay. I won't let him isolate himself again. He thinks he's keeping his fears out, but he's not. He's only keeping out the people that love him. I called up his parents and asked them to come over. I told them he was taking the loss of his 'friend' really hard and that they should come over to talk to him and comfort him. I know very well it'll take way more than just me to make him realize he's loved.

Ray and Maya are coming today. They should be here any moment now.

Through the window, I see them coming. I go outside to welcome them.

"Mr and Mrs Smith, welcome."

"Oh, Lloyd, you can just call us Maya and Ray." Maya says with a smile. "You called us here?"

"Yeah, uh... You've probably heard by now, one of our friends, Jay, he... He died. All of us miss him, of course, but Kai is taking this hit really hard. I don't mean to worry you all that much, but the truth is, his therapist said he's at serious risk of harming himself. I couln't not call you, you know."

Both of their expressions turn worried.

"Oh, dear." The first thing Ray has said since he got here.

"Oh, honey, this isn't something someone as young as you should be responsible for." Maya worries for me.

"Don't worry about me, I've been single-handedly responsible for the fate of Ninjago before."

That comment did not calm her down.

"What I mean is, I'm fine right now. Kai isn't. He needs you, okay? You don't have to worry about me."

"Okay." Maya says.

"Thank you so much for calling us." Ray comments.

"Where is he?"

"In the cabin. I'll lead you there." I take them to the sleeping cabin in silence. I point at the door. "Here." I say, then leave them alone.

Let's hope they can help Kai a little.

Kai's POV

There's a knock on the door. It's probably Lloyd again. He's been double worried for me lately. I just wanna be alone right now, though. He doesn't have to be there every time I cry.

"Not now, Lloyd!" I yell.

"We're not Lloyd, sweetie. Can you let us in?"

The only person that's ever called me sweetie is...

"Mom?" I wipe some tears from my face.

"And dad!" My dad adds.

I walk to the door and unlock it. "Mom! Dad!" I hug them both.

"Hey, boy. We've missed you." My dad says as my mom strokes through my hair. The last time I washed my hair was before the memorial, so five days ago. I don't care about my stupid hair.

I miss you ~ Plasma (Ninjago)Where stories live. Discover now