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A few days after that night mitch and Scott have been having problems. Scott has been going out a lot more drinking at clubs and hasn't been home as much. Mitch is feeling lonely Scott will leave and just tell Mitch when he's about to go but doesn't include him or even ask Mitch if he wants to go.
It was 12:48 Scott still hasn't came back Mitch got very worried so he texted him.
M: hey are you ok? Are you coming home soon? Miss you:(

S: hey this is Scott's friend Justin Scott is fine just drunk you don't have to worry.
Of course Mitch got worried "Scott left at 7 and is drunk and he could be getting in trouble." Mitch thought he decided to go find him and bring him home after driving for 15 minutes I got to the club. it was not that packed but pretty full I spotted Scott he was yelling at a guy
"You what" Scott yelled
"I just told Mitch you were ok you can't just disappear from his life" said Justin
"I know I can't and I won't Mitch is just... never mind but you shouldn't have texted Mitch"
"Why not?"
"Because he will let his mind go everywhere and think a bunch of things that aren't true and he will make me the bad guy he just needs to not be just so Annoying sometimes" Scott regretted it as soon as he said it
Scott turned around and saw Mitch standing right there. his eyes got big Mitch's eyes started to get watery and just stood there his arms sagging thinking about what he just heard Scott say to all his friends thinking I wasn't there.
"Mitch" as he came up to me I turned my head to the side.
"Mitch I didn't mean that I'm I'm drunk"
I look at him even though he was blurry from how watery my eyes were. I opened my mouth but then just walked out. I got into my car drove off I saw Scott run out as I exited the parking lot. I was full out crying now I drove over to Kirsti and knocked on her door no answer I knocked harder then I remember she said she was going on a trip with her family my phone was buzzing I pull it out know it was Scott I shut off my phone and threw it in the passengers seat and drove out I wanted Kirsti Avi and kenvin were great and all but I didn't wanna bug them so I drove out of town and just kept driving not knowing where I was. the sun was now coming into sight and I was getting very tired it was 5:30 now so I checked into a small hotel and stayed there for the night. that night I just cried and slept when I woke I didn't want to go anywhere but I had to go back so I got ready and got into my car I turned on my phone and saw 37 missed calls and 41 texts mostly from Scott but some from Kirsti. I opened Kirsti's texts first. Scott told her what happened and she wanted to know if I'm ok and where I was. I texted her back that I was ok and I'm coming back soon. I started driving back to Scott and i's apartment not knowing if Scott was there I didn't see he's car so I assumed he wasn't there I walk in slowly and was relieved once I found out no one was there except for Wyatt he jumped on me happy to see me I picked him up and walked in my room I didn't know if I should just pack and leave or stay and have Scott just never with me I packed a weeks worth of clothes and started to head out till I heard Scott come in he saw me then at my bag. his eyes got very watery tears started streaming down his face
"Your leaving me"
"I just need a break Scott im sorry" I tried to walk out by Scott grabbed my arm and looked me in the eye
"Mitch before you leave let me just explain please"
"Explain what that you can't even stand me you have to go out almost every night and then tell all your friends that I don't even know all about me and how crapy I am at being your boyfriend" Mitch yelled looking at Scott "look I wanna be with you Scott I really do but I just can't be alone all the time not have you here anymore. I miss you Scott" Scott looked at me "I'm sorry the only reason I wasn't here is I can't see myself ever hurting you and I won't I just get scared I love you Mitch and don't want to hurt you even though it's kinda to late for that. Please Mitch give me one more chance please"
"I'm sorry Scott I just need a break only for a few days"
"what I did was very wrong and if you need a few days I understand I love you Mitch"
"Bye Scott" I closed the door and ran down the stairs and called Kirsti.
"Hey Mitchy everything ok in between you guys yet"
"Not quit" I said "are you home yet?"
"Yes I am do you wanna come over and talk or just come over?"
"Yeah thank you I'll be there soon"
"Okay see you then"
"Ok bye"
I hung up and started to pull out and headed to Kirsti once I got there I knocked she let me in and we laid on her couch. I rested my head on her chest and started crying.

-------////// hey thank you for reading hope you guys like it vote if it's good thanks again bye///////-------

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