Chapter 11

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3rd person pov

Kyu and Sasuke where trapped in Haku's crystal ice mirrors unable to escape. Kyu had Naginata in his hands looking at the reflection  of Haku.

"I must ask you what is your motivation for helping out people you don't know?" Haku asked.

"Do I really need to tell you that?" Kyu asked thinking four steps ahead. Sasuke was speechless when she saw the way Kyu was acting.

"How is he so calm?" Sasuke thought to herself.

"Why do you fight?" Kyu asked.

"I am a weapon a tool to be use until I am no use." replied Haku.

"Wrong answer." said Kyu.

"What do you mean?" asked Haku

"You say that you are a tool a weapon to be used then cast away when your longer needed that's bullshit and you know it. Everyone has a will a will to live and live their life to the fullest and not throw it away for a guy like Zabuza who treats you like crap?" Kyu asked but Haku didn't say a word.

"Very well then that is your answer. Then show me what the tool of Zabuza can do." Ryu said before Haku threw more needles at him at Ryu but he just deflecting them with his weapon. Haku and Sasuke was stunned that he blocked each one. No one could see that fast let alone deflect them but for Kyu it was child's play. Meanwhile With Kakashi he was having trouble with Zabuza who had just used his hidden misjutsu enveloping him in a thick mist that even Kakashi's Sharigan can't see. Zabuza knew about Kakashi's ability and  found a weakness to it.

"You can't win Kakashi I took away your ace card." Zabuza said.

"Sakura protect the bridge builder." said  Kakashi.

"Right." said Sakura who ran over to the bridge builder.

"Stay behind me and don't leave my side." Said Sakura.

Haku's Pov

To be able to deflect all my needles like that. Is he not human or does he have some sort of hidden ability I don't know about? Question I asked myself while I watched him move and dodge my attacks. I had to end this now my crystal ice mirrors uses to much chakra. I need to get to Zabazu's side.

"Your having a tough time trying to figure out how am I able to see your needle aren't you ?" Kyu asked.  Was he reading my mind as well.

"I trained m eyesight to the point where I can see things in a second or something like that." said kyu making my eyes go wide behind my masked. If that's the case I have to see if what he said was true. I moved out of my mirrors and got ready to attack but I heard something heading towards me.

Sasuke's Pov

To think that Kyu was so skilled and so quick to be dodging and deflecting that guys attacks like it was just  normal for him but then I saw the guy try a sneak attack but I did a few hands signs.

"Fire style: Fireball jutsu." I said firing a ball of fire towards the guy but he dodged it but I got a hit on his pants leg before he went back into the mirrors.

"I almost had him." I said 

"Not bad Sasuke you managed to get  a hit on him it's not much but but it's a hit." Kyu said.

"Thanks." I said 

"I see you unlocked you Sharigan it's not complete but in time you will perfect but for now just relax and let me take care of the rest." Kyu said.  His words meant a lot to me and I will train to perfect my Sharigan in time. 

3rd person pov

Kakashi was still doing battle with Zabuza but of course he couldn't see him due to the fog.

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