Chapter six

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Kyu Pov

The next day  Kakashi, Naruki, Sakura, Sasuke and I were standing in a room with the Hokage and Iruka as we where being assigned mission. Naruki was complaining  about how she was getting low  D rank missions and that she wanted a real ninja mission and prove she wasn't a brat any more. Still she was acting like one still but she still had a point about the missions.

"With all do respect my lord but Naruki does have a point but I know since this are still new ninja's here." I said as The Hokage stopped me and decided to give us a C- rank mission which was bodyguarding a person as Naruki asked who we where guarding a Princess or a big business counsel member as I shook my head.

"Don't be so impatient I will bring him in now." The Hokage said as a man walked into the room drinking a battle of Sake.

"What the a bunch of snot noise kids?" The man said as he took a sip from the bottle

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"What the a bunch of snot noise kids?" The man said as he took a sip from the bottle.

"You little one with idiotic look on your face you expect me to believe  that your a ninja?" The man asked as Naruki laughed as she asked who was little one with the idiotic look on her face as Sakura and Sasuke stood next to her until it dong on her that the little one the guy was referring to her as she was being held back by Kakashi.

"My name is Tazuna a master bridge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge that would change our world and I expect you to get me to there safely even if it means giving up your lives." Tazuna said.

"You have our word as a ninja we will get you to your land safely." I said 

"Oh and who is this kid?" Tazuna asked.

"Kyu Hayabusa at your service." I replied.

"Well then Mr Hayabusa I'm in your hands on this trip." Tazuna said as I nodded my head.

After we gotten out supplies we headed outside the main gate of the village Naruki was getting to excited because she never been outside the village before. as I just smiled as we began our journey. During the time Sakura was asking Tazuna some question about the land of waves as she then asked Kakashi if there any ninja there as Kakashi said that there wasn't any, Kakashi went on explaining the five great nations and the meaning behind Kage as it means shadow.  As we continue to walk Sasuke was asking me question.

"So Kyu what is it like in Japan?"  Sasuke asked as I told her everything to know about Japan the life there the people and other things until I saw a puddle of water which was odd it hasn't rain in the past few days as Kakashi also picked up on that as out of know where two ninja assassins as they attacked but I was quick as I punched the guy in the stomach that he cough up blood as for the second one I closed lined him and slammed him into the ground in all under a second as the others didn't know what happened.

"So fast I didn't know what just happened." Sakura said as I tied them to a tree and looked at their headbands.

"Their Jounin for the village hidden in the mist their specialty is relentless attack they keep fighting what the sacrifice." Kakashi said

"How did you know about out ambush?" The first assassins asked

"A puddle on a clear day when it hasn't  rain in weeks. I guess we now know who their target is am I right Tazuna?" I asked as the others looked at Tazuna.

"What are you getting at?" Tazuna asked.

"Well I had my guess but for a doubt they were targeting you of all people perhaps you care to explain what really is going on?" I asked.

"Kyu does have a point. When you put in your request you asked for standard protection form robbers and highwaymen. You didn't say they were ninja looking for you hunting you down. If we knew this it would be a B- rank mission or higher out task was simple to get your destination and protect you while you finish building your bridge. If we knew we be fending off attacks from enemy ninja we would had staff differently and charged for the cost of a B mission. You have your reasons but lying to us is not acceptable we are beyond the scoop of our mission." Kakashi said in a serious tone.

"We signed on for this mission C, B rank it doesn't matter where ninja and we never go back on out word." Naruki said as this surprised even me.

"Your call Kakashi." I said as he sighed and told us were continue the mission.

3rd person Pov

Deep in the forest in a hide out a short man was arguing to a guy sitting on a couch with a big sword saying the ninja that he sent to kill the bridge builder were defeated and called them useless.

 As the man who kept running his mouth suddenly stop when the ninja who was wielding the sword at the tip of the sword at his neck spoke up saying that he will take care of himself as he was zabuza momochi better know as given the moniker Demon of...

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 As the man who kept running his mouth suddenly stop when the ninja who was wielding the sword at the tip of the sword at his neck spoke up saying that he will take care of himself as he was zabuza momochi better know as given the moniker Demon of the Hidden Mist (霧隠れの鬼人, Kirigakure no Kijin), was a missing-nin from Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

 As the man who kept running his mouth suddenly stop when the ninja who was wielding the sword at the tip of the sword at his neck spoke up saying that he will take care of himself as he was zabuza momochi better know as given the moniker Demon of...

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Kyu Pov

After a long walk we found a ferry that took us the rest of the way to the land of waves.

"The fog is so think you can't see anything." Sakura said as I had to agree with her but to me this is nothing. As we got closer we saw the unfinished bridge.

"Whoa it's huge." Naruki said as the ferry men told her no noise and that's why we were running silent to avoid being seen or heard.

"Mr Tazuna before we reach the pier I want to ask you something. The man who are after you I need to why. If you don't tell us I will end the mission once we drop you  on shore." Kakashi said

Tazuna was quite for a few minutes before started telling us about Gato of Gato ship transport and how he came to the island and pretty much took it over and the only that was standing in his way is the bridge.

"I get it you since your in charge of the bridge your standing in this gangsters way." Sakura said

"That means the guys we fought in the forest they were working for Gato." Sasuke said.

"He's just another wanna be gangster I dealt with people like that a few times before nothing but bully who pick on the little people." I said.

"We approaching the land of waves." Ferrymen said as we passed under a water tunnel.  What ever waits us on the other side we must be ready.

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