Part 4-

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Harry stood up and threw away all the trash and put the movie away. When he walked back to you, he swayed slightly and bumped gently against your bed. but it didn't go unnoticed. "Harry, are you feeling well?" I asked. He sat down next to me on my bed. "Yeah, I'm fine. I promise." he said smiling. You smiled back but couldn't help but think about if he was ok. He slept soundlessly that night. little snores escaping his lips.

The next morning you woke up to harry not beside you. instead, it was Annie. she was lying across your bed legs dangling off the edge and arms folded inward as if she didn't wanna touch me. "Annie?" I whispered. she perked upright and looked at me. Her eyes were a bit red. Not by much though. "Annie are you all, right? And where's Hary?" I asked. She looked at me again this time with sadness. "Y/N, harry wasn't feeling well but he didn't want to leave you, so he stayed. and when we arrived this morning, we found him on the floor out cold...and..." she couldn't continue. Her own tears interrupted her. "Annie? What happened? is he ok?" I asked desperately. "He's fine now but he's sick. Turns out when you fell, the railing hit harry in the chest and his heart somehow was affected. I don't know. but his heart isn't beating at a normal rate. it's slower than it should be." she said still crying.
Harry was...where was he? I have to see him. to know that he'll be all right. It hurt me so bad inside for him to not be around me. ever since the incident you couldn't stand to be away from harry. and it seemed to be the same for him. "I have to see Harry. where is he?" I said, swinging my legs gently over the edge of my bed. The hospital floor was cold. The tile was like ice. you slowly and carefully stood up. "Y/N be careful. I don't want you to fall." Annie said getting up rushing to my side. my foot didn't hurt anymore. I should be able to go home today. Like the doctor said, I was fine.

"Take me to him" I said desperately tears threatening my eyes. Annie nodded and walked with me to the door. She led the way down the hall a few rooms away she stopped in front of a door. They all looked the same in the hospital. she opened the door slowly. I walked in to see the boys. Zayn was sat by the window, Louis and Niall by the table and Liam sat beside the bed. The bed. Harry. It didn't make any sense. He was hooked up to some machine and his eyes were closed. Why were his eyes closed? I couldn't see his green eyes. the beautiful specks of blue and brown in them.

I walked over to Liam. "Y/N" he said. I guess I'd been crying because the next thing I know Liam is hugging me and his shirt becomes damp. "Is he ok? is he gonna be, ok?" I asked once Liam pulled me from the hug. "The doctor says he should be fine, but he'll have to stay for the next week." he said. I looked down at Harry. My Harry. Eyes closed. his beautiful green eyes closed. "Is he sleeping?" I asked. "Yea." Liam said. "They sedated him an hour ago. he'll be up in a few hours." "Ok" was all I said. it was all I could say. and it was just then that I realized that I was in love with Harry Styles.

Y/n POV-
I looked at him once again. He looked kind of pale in some way, it made me feel terrible. If only I hadn't put my weight on the railing, none of this would have happened. But it did. And it happened for a reason. I don't know what yet, but still.
"We can leave, if you want too just be here with him." Liam said.
"I'd like that, thanks Liam." I said.
Everyone left, before Annie could exit the door, I asked her, "Do you think he will be okay?" "Y/n, I am pretty sure he will be fine, the doctors said it wasn't too serious but that he would need to stay for a while." Annie said. "Then, I will stay too Annie." "But y/n... the doctor's said that you can leave today." "I know, but I am not leaving this hospital without him, I will call everyday though, okay." I answered. "Okay, fine, but if you forget even one day of calling me, I am going to come back here." "Alright." I said.
Annie then went out the door and met up with the other boys. I sat down, hoping that he would wake up. Hoping that he was at least 'alright'. I sat down on the chair right next to him, took his hand and cupped them with mine. I brought up my hands to my face and gave each of his hands a kiss. And then I started to bawl my eyes out.
After about 15 minutes, I started to fall asleep, even though I just woke up a few hours ago. I fell asleep on his arm.

Harry started to wake up after 30 minutes.

Harry's POV-
I woke up and looked around. The boys and Annie weren't there anymore. I felt some weight on my right arm. I looked over to see that it was Y/n laying on it. I don't know how to describe it, I felt safe with her. I felt happy. I immediately started blushing when I saw her like that. I shuffled around in the bed a little bit, and accidentally woke y/n up.
"Hey sorry for waking you up."
"Don't worry it's fine, and why didn't you tell me that you weren't feeling well, or th-that, you were hit in the chest with part of the railing?" I asked, about to cry.
"Oh, y/n don't cry. And I didn't want you to worry about it."
"I know I know, but it hurts me to see you like that, let alone anyone else I care so much about you."
Harry slightly blushed.
"I know, but don't worry about it anymore."
"But Harry it's hard not to worry! I-" you trailed off not knowing what else to say. Harry looked at you. You just wrapped your arms tightly around him. He buried his face in your hair inhaling your scent. You were just glad he was ok. "Harry, I was so scared when Annie told me what happened..." you said. "Shhhhh" Harry lulled. He pulled you closer to him. and you closed your eyes. "Y/N... I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't think much of it. and I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?" he asked. You looked up at him and into his green eyes. "Of course, I can." you said leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled his adorable, dimpled smile as you pulled away. "What are you smiling at?" you asked. "The thought of kissing you" he said boldly. Then his cheeks turned pink, and he kept smiling. He'd never been so bold before. You blushed and looked away. But soon after Harry's hand was under your chin turning your face to face his. He looked you in the eyes. If you weren't already lying down your knees would've given away at the sight before you.

Harry leaned in as his hand trailed down to your neck. Your breath hitched as he stopped, your lips barely touching. "I can stop if you want me to" he whispered as his lips brushed against yours. Instead of saying anything at all, you just leaned in a bit more connecting both of your soft lips. You felt butterflies fill your stomach. It felt amazing to kiss the man that you finally love. It was for a solid few seconds. Once you both pulled away from the kiss, Harry looked at you with the kindest green eyes. "You don't know how long I have been waiting to do that." He said while smiling and blushing. "You don't know how long I have been waiting to kiss you either." You said.
Right after you said that, both you and Harry heard squeals outside the door. You looked up to Annie, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis, peering inside the small window of the door. They started to cheer and whoop quietly, so they didn't scare the other patients. Both you and Harry looked at each other once again and started laughing. Before you could open the door, Harry pulled you back and said, "Is it official then?"

What?" you said. "Us. Are we official?" "I mean I'd like that!" "Alright then. Let me ask you the proper way. Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry said excitedly! "Harry, yes of course I will be your girlfriend." You said happily. He then let you go, so you could open the door for the others to come in.
You opened the door, and they all fell on each other right in front of you. Annie fell on top of Zayn. 'Ohhhhhhh my god' you thought. "Owww!" Annie said. "Well, maybe you guys shouldn't have been leaning on the door then." You said while laughing. All the boys were laughing, but the only laugh you were attracted to was Harry's. You turned around to see him laughing his heart out, he was lucky to have friends like this to make him laugh every day. (Not that you don't have friends that do the same thing to you). "WHAT HAPPENED!!!" Louis said while kinda shouting. "Oh, nothing much, just that y/n is my girlfriend." Harry said. All their faces went wide, and their mouths dropped. Soon enough, they all jumped onto Harry, except for Liam, and they started to say, "You finally got her mate!" "Okay, don't jump on him to where he can't breathe!" Liam said, while laughing a bit. (He was definitely the dad of the band). Liam walked over to Harry and gave him the biggest hug.

Congrats Hazza!" Liam smiled as he pulled from Harry's hug. Harry just smiled and smiled and smiled. He didn't think he could stop. not when you were next to him. You were with him now and nothing would change that.

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