Part 3-

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The doctor came in and told you that indeed, your ankle was swollen but not sprained. But they did want you to stay in the hospital for about two more days, just to make sure.
(Annie and Harry were the first to say that they wanted to stay with you. The doctors were fine with that, they just told Annie and Harry to sleep on the foldable couches.)
(After a while, Annie said that she would go down to get some food. You were always down for some food. Always.)
"Y/n, you, okay? Good thing it's not sprained." Harry said.
"Yea, I'm okay. And thank you so much." I answered.
"For what?" Harry said.
"For catching me and basically saving my life." I said, while laughing a little.
Harry laughed a little too.
His smile. it was so... you didn't really know how to describe it. He was different. Different than you expected. Not in a bad way though. You knew he was a kindhearted guy it's just behind all that fame and drama lies a softy. Your softy. "Where would you like to go?" Harry said getting up and sitting beside your bed. "Go where?" you asked confused. "For our date? where would you like to go?" he asked.
"I don't really know. Maybe... a dinner and movie?" You said. My perfect date or day in general, wouldn't be anything extravagant, anything simple would make me just as happy."

Harry's POV-
(Harry's thoughts- Something simple? Hmm. Like I said, she's different. All my past girlfriends always wanted something big and bold. Basically, anything extravagant. She wants something simple, nothing that's too extra.)

Y/n's POV-
(Y/n's thoughts- the way he smiles. His dimples. Gosh, dimples are so cute. The way he looks at me. He thinks I can't see it, or see him blushing, but I can see it all. I like that. Never in my life has a boy made me feel like this, where the butterflies in my stomach are going to erupt. He makes me feel safe. If this is what 'love at first sight' is, then I think I just found the one. The one for me. I love him already.

Harry's POV-
If this is what 'love at first sight' feels like, then I think I just found the one. I love her already.
(Now you were asleep. You and Harry were talking the whole time. Harry was sleepy. (He came closer at sat by your feet. And started to hum 'Little Things'.

Y/n POV-
I started to lightly wake from sleeping, and saw Harry humming, about to fall asleep.
"Harry. Come lay down right here. It should be more comfortable than the couch." I whispered to him.
"It's fine, I can lay here." Harry said
"No, seriously, it's alright. I can't let you be uncomfortable, that's just not me to leave you like that." I said.
(You moved to the side of the hospital bed. And put a pillow on one side for Harry. Harry came and lay right next to you. He looked like he was kinda cold, so you put the blanket over him as well.)
"Thanks." Harry said
(So, both you and Harry soon fell asleep.)
Meanwhile- All the others (Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Annie) were in the lobby and asked if they could see Y/n and Harry. Annie also brought up the food! As soon as they came in... they all probably melted down with the apparent amount of cuteness. They all went in awe.
"ohhhhhhhh... DON'T WAKE THEM UPPPPPP!" Zayn and Annie said at the same time. While kinda whispering.
Annie and Zayn giggled.
"I have to have a picture of this." Liam said. And he took a few pictures.
Louis and Niall were talking about it too. Niall started to laugh. "Mate. Why are you laughing, laughing at me accent, it's me accent huh?" "Noooooo, of course not, mate!" They started to whisper laughing. It that's even a thing.
Annie left the food there, and her and the boys decided to leave and just kind of explore Nashville. Annie showed them around because she was from here, along with Y/n.

After 2 hours- Y/n POV-
I started to wake up. Damn, that was probably the best sleep I had in a while, even though it was only for about 2 hours. I looked right next to me to see Harry still sleeping. 'God Damn', he is still cute when he is sleeping. He was snuggled up close to me. Our faces were very close. A little too close for, 'friends.' I backed up a bit, even though I kinda had the urge to give him a quick kiss. I decided to go to sleep again, because I didn't want to wake him up. It took me about 5 minutes to fall back asleep. That was probably the quickest I have ever fallen asleep.

Harry's POV-
I was still a bit cold, even though Y/n put the blanket over me too. She didn't have to do that. Another thing I like about her, she put the blanket over me, and I didn't even ask. So, I feel like I may be moving too quickly with the snuggled up close to her thing, but I was still a bit cold. So, I couldn't help it. I snuggled a bit close to her, our faces still a bit close for 'friends.' But I don't mind. 'She looks really cute when she is sleeping. I just want to give her a quick kiss. So, I did. I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead. It could've been on the lips, but it was on the forehead. On the forehead. The forehead. Forehead. The fact that she didn't really like me or the band at first, but now it seems different. I mean she did say she feels the same way about me. Why should I wait to take her out on a date? I have never been so sure about someone in my life. If only I had found her sooner. But I found her, and hopefully I want to have her as mine someday.


(After you both woke up, you looked right next to you and saw that Harry wasn't there. You were a bit disappointed. But when you looked around you saw that there was pasta and sparkling water, on a small/medium sized table with a white tablecloth on it. There were even candles, that had the most amazing smell. The smell was very faint, but it was good. You saw that Harry was on the other side of you holding a bouquet of red roses.
"I couldn't wait. I just had to. I couldn't wait any longer for our date, so I brought it to us. And we can watch a movie on the T.V. in here. You did say that you liked a dinner and movie!" Harry said. "Aw, Harry you didn't have to do this." you said.
"Oh, but I did!" Said Harry.

After the dinner and movie-
(You and Harry got to know each other really well. Turns out you both have a lot more in common than you think. Harry gave you a kiss on the cheek, after the movie. All he could really do was just look at you. He did pay attention to the movie, just not as much as how focused he was on you. (Yes, you the one that is reading this... you beautiful damn ostrich. Lol)
Harry and you had finished the movie. But Harry was more focused on you. Even though it wasn't in a theater or a fancy restaurant, it was still perfect. And you were toughed that Harry couldn't take you out. He had his arm wrapped around you and your head was leaning on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight Harry" you said looking up at him slightly. "I'm glad I was finally able to take you out" he said. "Finally?" You asked surprised. "I've been wanting to take you out for a while now" he said. but before you could respond, Zayn and Annie walked through the door. 

"Vas Happenin!?!" Zayn said. "Hey lovebirds. I see you two are having some fun" Annie said smirking. "And I'm guessing you and Zayn had a nice night too?" I said gesturing towards Annie and Zayn's interlocked hands. They both blushed a light shade of pink. "We just wanted to make sure you two were ok" Annie said. "We're doing fine. Right?" Harry said looking down at me. "Better than ever" I said placing my hand in his. His hands were cold. Oddly cold. As if he'd just set down a pack of ice.

"Well, we'll just get going now. oh, and Y/N the doctor said you can leave tomorrow so you can go home!" Annie said smiling. "Thank god!" I said. "Goodnight you two." Zayn said walking out with Annie right behind him. 

Ahhh do y'all like it so far?


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