Ch. 8

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Virgil watched as Roman sipped nervously on his milkshake. 

“Relax.” Virgil chuckled. “You’re tense.”

He was SUCH a hypocrite.

Virgil was currently on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Everything needed to be perfect, or else this would haunt his nightmares for the following years. 

“It’s just that I’ve never done…this.” Roman gestured to the entire restaurant. 

Virgil processed for a second, not quite sure what he meant. “A date?” He eventually asked, tilting his head. What? Roman had never been on a date before? “No way. You’re telling me that someone who looks like you has never been on a date?”

“I’m not exactly supermodel material.” Roman rolled his eyes. Virgil bristled, completely disagreeing. “People always said that I was…clingy.” 

“Clingy?” Virgil pressed. Who would say that about him? Roman was perfect in every way, anyone who thought otherwise didn’t know what they were talking about. 

“Yeah.” Roman sighed. “That I ask too much of people. That’s probably why I didn’t have too many friends.” 

Virgil could never think anything like that. Roman could take everything from him, and he would still want to give more. His whole heart was owned by the boy sitting in front of him. “Well I think they’re wrong.” He huffed, getting more worked up the more he thought about anyone not liking Roman. “Fuck those guys. You’re one of the most genuine people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting? What was he? Seventy-two? 

“You really think so?” Roman asked, looking at him with those gorgeous eyes. 

“Hell yeah!” Virgil nodded a little too enthusiastically. “Do you really think we would be here right now if I found you clingy?” 

“I mean, we haven’t known each other that long.” Roman murmured. 

That was true, Virgil had to admit. Of course, he couldn’t say that if he wanted this to last. What would a confident person say? Probably something like--

“And yet we’ve already shared a bed.” Virgil smirked. “That must mean you’ve been doing something right.” 

That was good right? He had been practicing his delivery. 

Roman’s eyes widened, a flush coloring his cheeks a pleasant red. “Virgil, we’re in public!” He whispered harshly, before softening. “And thanks, I feel a bit better.” 

Virgil almost jumped for joy. He’d finally done something right. “Anytime, Princey.” He hummed. 

There was an awkward pause. 

This was Virgil’s chance to get to know Roman better. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, the problem was figuring out where to start. He wanted to know everything about the green-eyed boy. He wanted to learn what makes him happy, what makes him sad. He wanted to know what his favorite song was, what animal he thought was the cutest. 

He wanted to know even the most intimate of details, things Roman had never told anyone. Then, he wanted to learn things about Roman, that the boy in question didn’t even know about himself. 

“So…Patton told me he has a younger brother.” Roman commented. 

What? Patton? What did he have to do with anything? “Oh? What’s his name?” Virgil didn’t care in the slightest.

“I think it was…Emile? He’s apparently seven.” Roman told him. 

“Cute.” Virgil let out a fake chuckle. “I’m not sure why I’m hearing about your friend’s kid brother during our date, though.” He tried his best to keep the strain out of his voice. 

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