Ch. 7

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There were people staring at him the next day at school.

Virgil could feel their eyes boring into his head, keeping his gaze on the floor. They all knew. Every single person knew. The news had spread like wildfire. 

He knew he only had Janus to thank for that.

"What a slut." Virgil heard one person say to their friend as the purple-haired boy passed by.

"He really gets around." Someone else was saying as he kept walking.

"Haven't they only known each other for a day? God, the new kid must be easy."

Virgil's head swiveled around at that, eyes locking onto the boy who said that. "What did you just say?" He asked flatly, causing the boy to freeze up.

How dare he? Gossiping about Virgil was one thing, but spreading rumors about Roman? No way in hell was he letting that happen.

"Don't say shit like that." Virgil hissed. 

The boy seemed to snap out of his stupor, raising a condescending eyebrow. "Or what?" He had a sort of hungry look in his eyes, like this interaction was giving him a thrill.

Virgil immediately walked away once he noticed, not wanting to play into some random high school boy's fantasy.

Disgusting. Hearing Roman’s name come out of the mouth of such a repulsive creature made him want to cringe. Who did they think they were? Talking about sweet, handsome, perfect Roman like he was just some everyday whore? It was sickening just to think about.

How was it that Virgil and Roman seemed to be the only decent people in the entire school? 

Hell, maybe even the entire city. It wasn’t like he had faced better treatment by the so-called ‘adults.’ Maybe this was just how the world was. Maybe he and Roman were the exceptions. 

Maybe that was why Virgil had felt such a strong connection between them.


Virgil physically felt a part of his soul die as he turned to the source of the voice.

Susan, in all her blonde glory, was staring at him with a smug smile on her face. “I have to admit, I didn’t think you had it in you.” 

Virgil raised an eyebrow. “You seem awfully happy about this.” 

“Well, duh.” Susan scoffed, walking closer to him. “That’s because I know that none of this is real.”

Virgil furrowed his brow. “What?” He asked incredulously.

“Well, this was obviously a rumor you made up to keep me away.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Virgil stared at her blankly. Of course. Leave it to Susan Wojcicki to somehow make the situation entirely about herself. “That makes it sound like I care enough about you to do such a thing.” 

“You’re in denial, Pryder.” She stalked closer. “You want me, that’s why you’re pushing me away like this.” She went to touch his face, but Virgil moved his head away. 

“You are absolutely delusional.” Virgil sneered. 

She just smiled at him wryly. “It’s only a matter of time, Pryder~” She purred, before walking away.

Virgil watched her go, disgust causing shivers to go up his spine.


Virgil huffed out a sigh, watching the clock on the wall idly. 

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